Anita Magsaysay-Ho

Heart2Heart pays tribute to one of her favorite artists, Tita Anita Magsaysay-Ho!  She is blessed to have lived a full life. ( 1914 – 2012 )  


This is the most beautiful wake I have been to!  The beautiful leaves that they put it in the backdrop and the roses below the casket.  To Tita Anita who deserves so much, a very simple person with so much love and beauty in her which she expressed through her beautiful works of art


I took some photos of photos being flashed on the screen – BEAUTIFUL Tita Anita! You will always be remembered


She reminds me so much of her two daughters Tita Helen and Tita Doris!


I searched for photos of Tita Anita and I am so happy I found them.  I documented one of our visits to Tita Anita around 12 years ago.  James and I really wanted a painting from her, so James bought a blank canvass and we brought it to her!!!!  Thank you to our friends, Randy and Pia and of course to Mom who knows Tita Anita!  James already knew what size of painting he wanted so that was the size of canvass he brought!  


This was the painting she made and it was almost finished


Mom brought her book of Tita Anita and had it signed by her.  Mom had only nice things to say and happy memories when she was a kid as Tita Anita was a good friend of my Lolo and Lola


We visited her again in 2001 and she was working on these





  • Brenda L. Tanjutco says:

    Your painting costs millions now that this most revered artist has died! Anita Magsaysay Ho has such clarity in her painting. The face and the figure of the woman she paints with simple strokes capture the essence of the enduring Filipina…simple and yet indomitable, naive but holds fast to her values and principles, industrious and yet constant in providing the warmth and light in her home.

  • dorothy says:

    Our deepest condolences to her family especially to Doris. We never had the privilege of knowing her personally except for Diane who was with Doris during the 2006 APEC in Vietnam, an opportunity it was to have worked with her. Will pray and offer mass for her, this great artist!

  • Vida Estrella-Gallaga says:

    Rica thank you for sharing this beautiful photos. She was truly a woman that one cannot help but admire.

    I recall the Catholic Women’s League always used her paintings to be on their Collectors Plates. Its a good time to go through all of them.

  • Amy Anam Manon-og says:

    I knew Anita when the family lived in Montreal. Through Gil Lopez Kabayao , we were invited for dinner at their place in Westmount when Gil Lopez gave a concert in Montreal. We became more closer when Robert and Steve had their tonsils removed at the Montreal hospital where I was the Headnurse.
    When the family left Montreal Anita sends me Chrismas cards of her paintings which I will always treasure. Anita is a person with no pretense and I will always value the time I spent with her and her family.
    Thank you for this site that I am able to send my condolence to Helen, Linda, Robert, Steve and especially Doris who was always present when I go to visit them in Westmount.

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