“Pagpag” for Sale

Thanks to my cousin, Ana, for sharing this video with me.  I literally lost my apetite watching the video.  But it is reality.

One of the things I am very particular about with my kids in the dinner table – it is making sure that they finish everything on their plate.  They should only order or get what they can finish.  They have to finish every grain of rice on their plate.   So I was very happy when my eldest son told me that they showed this video to the students in his school, Beacon.  It reinforces what I am trying to teach them, though I know I still have to repeat myself every time, I will do it and do it until they understand what i am trying to tell them and the importance of not wasting food as there are many other people and children in the world that are starving. For those who have not seen this yet, take time out to watch it…  


 My cousin, Ana, makes sure that her garbage is clean.  She takes time out to wash it and put them in proper bags.  Visit my previous entry last March 22.  This was a very popular entry in my website.  Thank you Ana for always sharing with us your kind deeds and making us open our eyes and taking the small deeds seriously…small deeds that actually make a difference in other people’s lives. 

Previous Entry:  Passion for Garbage March 22, 2007 


  • Jen CC Tan says:

    Hi Rica,

    Thanks for sharing this. I should also show this to my kids.

    Ana is a friend of ours and she truly is an inspiration!

    Warm regards,

  • Flor Jenkin says:

    This film should be shown to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the senators, the congressmen. the LGU Chief Executives. If their hearts have eyes, then they will do everything within their powers to redress this very sorry plight of our people. I am a teacher. I will do my part.

  • Hi Mayin,
    My kids should see this, although they already know this, still it hurts. I,m sure this video would open our hearts and minds but our government, well… that would be the day. It,s really up to the people. They keep on having children they cannot support. Thanks for the video.

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