Indian Dinner by Rainer and Baby

By November 23, 2012 Foodie, Travel No Comments

Thank you to Tito Joe Mari and Tita Mary Ann, we met a wonderful couple – Rainer and Baby.  They had just moved from Manila after living there for several years.  Rainer works for Schenker 


I took note of some of the collections of Baby – she had much more than this 🙂


And this was their view form the balcony!


The golf course


And the other apartment buildings in their complex


They served us cocktails in their apartment


Then we went down to the club house of the complex where we had a wonderful Indian dinner!


Baby added a Filipiniana touch to the table setting with these capiz candleholders


This was one of the best meals James and I had while in India.  The two starters were served in the apartment and they were really good!  And the rest was just the way we liked our Indian food to taste.  


A very popular vegetarian dish I noticed is paneer which is goat cheese with spinach


It was in this dinner that I discovered my love for Dahl 🙂  I don’t really eat beans, but I liked having this with my Indian food.  I had this in all my future Indian meals during the trip


The chef came out to greet us!  What a wonderful meal!!  BRAVO!


Then we had dessert – Gulab Jamun which made my sister very happy!


Thank you Rainer and Baby for your kind hospitality and for including us as part of your kind hospitality with Tito Joe and Tita Mary Ann.  We had a great time – the food, the company and the wonderful stories.  The Philippine Ambassador to India,  H.E. Benito Valeriano, was also there to join us and he had just arrived a few months ago for his post so he is new to the country as well.



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