Day 3 Touring Delhi The Jama Masjid Mosque

By November 25, 2012 Travel No Comments

Temples and Mosques – Another beautiful structure you will see in India!  


Good exercise 🙂


When you get to the top – it’s full of shoes 🙂


You need to wear these robes to enter! I wonder how many people have used them before us…


They sell slippers and socks for 100 rupees in case you didn’t bring! Good business! 🙂


 This is normally how it is during worship days! Wow! I just got this photo from


There is this bath in the middle and we had the chance to see something spectacular- which after awhile it was empty.  The bath was surrounded and they were all either, brushing their teeth, drinking the water, washing their face, washing their feet, head etc etc  – my dad was able to take a video of it- what an unusual event I have never seen.  At first we were shocked, but then later accepted it as something that was part of their culture – no one seemed to have been bothered about it – it was as if it were a normal occurrence and it was 

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Each box on the floor is a space for a person to worship – where they go on their knees and pray – persian carpets used to occupy these boxes one after the other



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