It’s a bit of a hassle packing and unpacking suitcases while moving from city to city, but it’s all worth it! It’s so nice to explore and visit new cities and staying in a new room Love the printed blinds in the hallways
How cozy and how romantic!! This is a perfect honeymoon destination I love it that when you go to the hotels in India – most of the things they have are all native. It’s not imported and it is so beautiful – their linens, their toiletries, their furniture – almost everything is all local
Button to call your butler
Beautiful marble table made in Agra – inspired by the Taj Mahal
Excited to walk out and see what’s outside that door!!!
Going out the balcony!
Breathtaking!!! I could not believe it!
Oops our happy neighbors beside us on the right…
And on the left – all casing the joint and enjoying the balcony!
Overlooking that beautiful pool which we did not even have time to swim in!! But what a beautiful view to look down
Plenty complimentary bottled water
I noticed that all their toilet seats in the hotels are wood
Blocked print cotton robes – a specialty from India- his and hers – makes it easier to tell which is which rather than trying to figure out which is which
Marble kleenex box
Incense in the room given at night
I took advantage of every pillow menu in the hotels