The Secrets of Old Age

Some great advice from the elder generation, who have been through it all, seen it all and did it all, and have learned a lot long the way… 






  • Lita Z Garcia says:

    I am 63 and I strongly agree…age doesn’t matter . I still dream ..still work ..still hope …still believe that Life is so good .God made it for me in His own special way and I am so grateful …thank you Rica for sharing , this is so inspiring …

  • Elit says:

    Thank you for sharing this Ms. Rica! I love all your posts ?

  • Elit says:

    Thank you for sharing this Ms. Rica! I love all your posts >3

  • bing limson salvador says:

    i love your post! esp., “Love ends when you stop caring”. there’s Faith and Hope but, Love is the
    greatest of all! thanks Heart2-Heart! 🙂

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