Propagation of the Devotion to the Divine Mercy

One of Lolo’s legacy to the family is  THE FAMILY!  Lolo is making sure that the family is strong and united as he wants to see this while he is still alive and long after he is gone.  Another one of his legacies is his devotion to the Lord – whether it be in the form of the Twin Sacred Hearts or the Divine Mercy.  The family and the Rustan Group of companies have always been devoted to the Sacred Heart – weekly masses and stores are all dedicated to the Sacred Heart enthroned in every blessing.  

After Lolo’s pilgrimage to Krakow, he is now propagating the Divine Mercy.

Previous entry:  Devotion to the Divine Mercy December 31, 2012

So everywhere in the house now is all full of Divine Mercy in all forms and shapes 🙂


Painting in his chapel by Leaño


A gigantic framed Divine Mercy


Booklets and prayers 


More framed images in all sizes and designs 


Given by Tita Nena for him to giveaway- Thank you Lolo for giving us one.  It’s so addicting, I already have three images in my house! 🙂 



 Images in all sizes – small, medium and large 🙂  he is so cute 


For his 92nd birthday, he had this image made for 14,000 people – which includes all the employees of the Rustan Group of Companies- that was his way of celebrating his birthday! My Lolo is so generous! 


Very beautiful!  I also got one 🙂 




  • Lita Z Garcia says:

    Hi Rica …I was once an active member of our RGOC religeous commitee…and I knew how pious and faithful our beloved ambassador is and his family I wish I can have one of those bdays give away …any shape of form …twin hearts or divine mercy …God bless us more …

  • philomena gomes says:

    praise the lord my name is philomena gomes from india and have been propagating the devotion of divine mercy our loving jesus in india . different parts of the country and we are a team spreading the devotion with the word of god (bible scripture) i loved the statue of divine mercy can i have one for our group. and if possible a rosary . we would like to do the devotion rather feast this year with the statue its my humble request

    In Christ Jesus

    Philomena Gomes

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