Happy Birthday DVT

A Heart2Heart favorite, Donnie Tantoco

Previous entry:  Metro Society The Men’s Issue Donnie Tantoco March 19, 2012 


He’s all over here in Heart2Heart-in our family gatherings, in Rustan’s events, in the look alike feature 🙂


Today is his special day and Heart2Heart wants to pay tribute to a very special guy!


A graduate from Northwestern University and when he came back he put up Royal Duty Free Shops in Subic and Clark.  Afterwhich he put up Shopwise with our Lolo.   He now also runs Rustan’s Supermarket and Wellcome.  


He is so famous and so successful yet he is so humble and not overbearing and that is what makes him different from many.  He never brags about his accomplishments – and when you congratulate and praise him, he will divert the attention back to you or he will even pass it on and give credit to someone else  

See him in one of the latest issues of Rockwell.      


He loves his people and they love him back 


especially the girls! haha!!  

Because he treats them like how he treats us – like his family  


I love the latest tribute he made to one of the managers at Shopwise – Bim Generoso – who recently passed away


He is very religious and even if he is so busy, you will see him in Church as a lay minister   


In my previous feature of their home, he added this section by their bedroom which I really really love!

Previous entry:  Home of Donnie and Crix August 24, 2011 


He is a loving husband to Crix – Many girls would agree with me and say that Crickette is so lucky to have him! ( and of course vise versa but it’s not Crix bday today haha ).  


Father of three wonderful children


Very fit at 47! He does 1,000 (maybe more ) jump ropes everyday 


He and Lolo Benny are like bestfriends – like father and son.  They are so alike in many ways.  Aside from having the same name, They are both smart, they are both so generous and kind and they do their best to please everyone….especially the Tantoco women! 🙂


He is known to us as Manong Donnie 🙂 being the eldest grandchild in the family.  Many would think that there is no perfect guy – Intelligent, hardworking, so kind, so generous, so sweet, so handsome, so religious and faithful all rolled into one. But for sure there is one in our family, our Manong Donnie! Happy Birthday to our big brother! We love you!



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