Wedding of the “Century” Part 4 -David Morales

By November 22, 2008 Bridal One Comment

The night was not over yet, After the wedding reception was a party.

I was not able to take photos of the party but I took shots of the set up before the party since we tagged along with Jigger.  He is really on top of everything.  It is amazing how they converted Tides into the party venue.  

We bumped into the dancers that Jigger flew in all the way from Embassy, Manila. All dancers were all happy to see Jigger upon their arrival 🙂

As everyone knows, I am not one to party late at night but I made sure I went to see the world famous David Morales perform.  It was a great party!  Even Tito Joey and Tita Hilda came over and danced with David on stage.   

We now call David, David Morales- Antonio.  He became so close to Jigger and his family and it was so nice how he expressed his love and appreciation to the family.   Not only was he the DJ who performed but he became family and a good friend to many…

jigger-may0002.jpg david-moralesinvitea.jpgboracay.JPG


Previous Entries:

Wedding of the “Century” Part 1 – Arrival and Rehearsal Dinner Nov. 7 

Wedding of the “Century” Part 2 – Church Wedding  Nov. 8

Jigger and May by Jason Magbanua 

Wedding of the “Century” Part 3 – Reception 

Wedding of the “Century”  Part 5 – Luau and Dinner Nov. 9


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