Category Archives: Animals and Pets

Forbes Furry Fiesta 2013

By | Animals and Pets, For kids | One Comment

Thank you Claudia Wilson-Tambunting, Governor and Chairman of Barangay Forbes Park ( Environment committee ), for inviting me to the Forbes Furry Fiesta!  I enjoyed so much!! 


It was nice to see the villagers with their pets

All the pets were looking their best 🙂  All groomed and dressed up


Booths who were selling pet products


Free merienda from the food booths

The highlight of the even was Kim Atienza sharing with us all his exotic pets!!  

Everyone was crowding over the table and all the kids were seriously watching and with full attention.  They were not even scared to go close to the reptiles and even held them.  My Daddy would have enjoyed this!  I told him next time to bring his pets! 🙂

A donation was made to the foundation of Kim – The Philippine Eagle Foundation and CARA – the foundation that helps Forbes Park and Dasma with stray cats

The last part was the pet contest


The judges – Tita Cindy Velez, Tita Marit Yuchengco and Lisa Periquet


Dogs who don’t realize how BIG they are!

By | Animals and Pets | 3 Comments


Never realized that so MANY breeds grew so BIG!

21 Dogs Who Don’t Realize How Big They Are

Good things come in small packages, but GREAT things come in huge packages.

1. This dog who just want to tan.


2. Zeus, the dog who likes to relax on the couch.


3. This dog who wants a hug.


4. This adorable dog who kind of resembles a wolf.


5. This dog trying to watch TV.


6. This dog who doesn’t like to go to the vet.


7. This dog who is definitely hogging the couch.


8. This dog who just wants to escape that rat thing on the floor.


9. This dog who you can’t hide treats from.


10. This dog takes babysitting too seriously.


11. This dog who likes chairs.


12. This dog who could mop my entire kitchen by rolling over once.


13. This dog who thinks the sink is his water bowl.


14. This dog who just wants to be a kid.


15. This dog who doubles as a stool.


16. This guy who’s convinced he’s a lap dog.


17. This dog who just want to cuddle.


18. This dog who’s basically a horse for chihuahuas.


19. This dog who’s investigating something.


20. This dog who’s dreaming of bacon and bones.


21. This dog who would be a great shoulder to cry on.





Devon Lucas is Turning One

By | Animals and Pets, Celebrations, For kids | 5 Comments

Happy Birthday Devon Lucas!!

Previous entry:  Jewish Baptism of Devon July 3, 2012 


Such a good boy!  He had no fuss and was just so well behaved.  Marco told me that he has travelled with them to so many places already in his one year of life because he is such an easy baby to take care of

 What an amazing Safari adventure!!! Barbie Pardo did such a great job transforming Acqua!  Barbie said that the venue itself was already beautiful to begin with so it was just a matter of dressing it up to theme

Previous entry:  Acqua Livingston Interior Design by Misoni March 14, 2012


Each one was given a map at the entrance so we won’t get lost in the jungle 🙂

Video of Devon being played on TV of the model units

Area for the Aunts and Uncles 🙂


Upstairs for the Party after the party 🙂

Everything in this area is by Philippe Starck

Everything is so organised

Adult food by Cibo

Love this crepe cake with Malagos cheese!


Children’s buffet by Pancake House


Thank you to the beautiful ladies from Century Properties for helping organise the party for Devon

And to Angelette Calero of Jelly Bellies for providing the food carts and Barbie Pardo Tiangco for the beautiful and amazing set up!


Loot bags!!!




A National Geographic Moment at Amanpulo

By | Animals and Pets, Travel | 2 Comments

I am always looking for a National Geographic Moment since it’s quite rare to capture one. The last one was in 2008 in Bohol 

Previous entry:  A National Geographic Moment January 6, 2008 

While walking the perimeter of the island, I could see from afar little things crawling on the edge of the beach.  It’s a good thing I had zoom lens to see what they were – because they were quite sensitive, as we move closer to them- they move too.  This is dedicated again to my Dad and it’s his birthday today!  I am sure my Daddy would like to see these moments too after all it’s where I get my love for animals and nature


Crabs!  Not the small transluscent ones but quite big.  They don’t look too big in my photo because I could not go to near or else they will disappear or move away. I was very careful 



Zooming in some more 


They are moving away as we go closer – some went up towards the greens


here they are going higher up opposite the water 


the small ones are also there  


The others hid already which explains the big holes 


As we go towards the tip of the island they are moving away further 


Around the island there are also some avian species.  The resort gives you postcards which you can collect  


I spotted a few around the resort but cannot identify 


on top of Casita A 


in the beach 


Mr. Blue

By | Animals and Pets | One Comment

 Another favorite model of mine, Mr. Blue! 🙂  I love Mr. Blue because he remembers me every xmas and on my birthday.  Mr. Blue was recently hired to model for Dentastix and Papa Mart and Mama Sam are so proud and shared these photos with us

mr-blue-pictorial-4.JPG mr-blue-pictorial-1.JPGmr-blue-pictorial-with-sam.JPGmr-blue-pictorial-2.JPG


Easter Celebration 2013

By | Animals and Pets, For kids | One Comment

Though many were out of town for the Easter holiday, we stayed in town and as usually Mom always finds a way to brighten up a celebration for the family

My sister, Maricar, was in charge of the games

Mom had this race track built by the William her gardener and all around handyman!


Yummy Pancake house merienda!



Kitten in the House

By | Animals and Pets, Today's Quote | One Comment

One day we found a kitten in our front porch – we really have a lot of cats in the house

previous entry: Cats in The House August 25, 2012 

We were worried it would be ran over by the car so we put it in the small garden patch in front.  When we got back from dinner, I saw again the kitten and it followed us up our stairs.  I immediately asked for milk to give the kitten and true enough it was hungry. ( I am calling it ” It” because I do not know the sex of the kitten) 


It was so small it could not really reach the cup so the guard tilted it – I told the guard to put it beside him in the garage and to feed the kitten 


For a few days, the kitten would play with Romeo our dog and follow the guard around the house, then one day – the kitten just left – just like Richard Parker from Life of Pi 🙂  I remembered our kitten who we took care of and one day just left 



Jamming Session at Juan Miguel’s

By | Animals and Pets, Celebrations | No Comments

After dinner at Mangetsu, we headed to Juan Miguel’s beautiful home!!  JM and Manoling organized another jamming session before Suharto heads back to London


Thats a painting of Juan Miguel in the backdrop of the buffet


Oh my gosh!! Meet Bono!! So big!!  Juan Miguel speaks to him in French! haha 🙂


Nikki trying to bribe Bono 🙂


Manoling singing the night away! 🙂


