Category Archives: Animals and Pets

Elephant Camp and Rafting Chiang Mai

By | Animals and Pets, Travel | No Comments

We did one day tour in Chiang Mai, a bit tight but we did it all 🙂  Shopping in the morning plus a visit to the Cultural Center, then lunch then Elephant ride and rafting in the afternoon cultural-tours-in-chiang-mai-02.jpg

Heart2Heart loves loves elephants!! 🙂


How cute a baby elephant! 🙂  But even if it was a baby, we were still scared to go near it


They eat tons and tons of food in a day!


It’s like a ride in an amusement park, you have to fall in line, go up a ramp to the station and then ride on the elephant 🙂


You can feed the elephants 


We liked this ride a bit better compared to the one in India because it had a water passage

Previous entry:  Dera Amer December 5, 2012 


Although the one in India was probably much safer since it was more flat.  This one had a lot of uphills and downhills.  Another difference between the one in India was this was a full seat with a bar handle to hold, the one in India was a flat seat with legs stretching forward – a bit difficult but I realized later on that the flat one was safer since I was falling in this seat – a bit scary – I almost fell downward when the elephant stepped down.  Kids must hold on tight- there are no seat belts


Hi Papa and Javier!!  It’s amazing how the guide just sits on the head of the elephant without anything strapped on them.  We were holding on really tight to our seat!


In the middle of the trip, there is a food stand where you can buy food for the elephants and feed them 


What we saw 


Resting midway


One of the rules is not to let your guide go down and take your photo, well ours did on his own and as soon as he went down – the elephant put up his trunk and blew on us!  It was a bit scary and could get scary if the elephant gets out of control so maybe better not to allow itimg_5625-copy.jpegelephant-camp-025.jpgelephant-camp-026.jpgelephant-camp-027.jpg

Going back passing water again


You can’t ever get tired of feeding the elephants because they really eat a lot!


Right after we went to the rafts


A leisure ride through the river


It was funny because when we got to the end, we saw this truck that arrived carrying the rafts – we figured they will bring the rafts back up instead of the rafts going back up manually – which is why we did not see any raft going the opposite direction 🙂



Dung Paddies

By | Animals and Pets, Great Inventions, Green, Travel | No Comments

I think I am never going to run out of stories from India!  They are such a unique culture!  

Donkeys on the road 🙂 aside from cows, bulls, camels and dogs




A herd of bulls blocking our way


On the road going out of Jaipur towards Jodhpur, there were a lot of Dung paddies.  Dung paddies are made out of the feces of cows and bulls


They collect them and with their bare hands, they form them into patties


They are then dried under the sun and being used in their homes as charcoal/fuel for cooking!  No need to buy gas 🙂




Elephants in India

By | Animals and Pets, Travel | One Comment

I’ve never seen so many kinds of elephants in my life 🙂  But I love them!  Elephants with trunks going up are good luck 🙂 So make sure when you buy one, make sure the trunk is facing up

At the Marble store in Agra

Previous entry:  Akbar International Marble Agra November 29, 2012 


In the Bellevue Coffeeshop at the Oberoi Amarvilas Agra

Previous entry:  Bellevue at the Oberoi Amarvilas Agra November 26, 2012 


The Oberoi Amarvilas Agra

Previous entry:  The Oberoi Amarvilas Agra November 26, 2012 


A marble Elephant which I bought in one of the shops by the Taj Mahal


At Kohinoor Jewellers in Agra

Previous entry:  Embroidery of Shams and Kohinoor Jewellers Agra November 30, 2012


The Elephant God – Ganesh


On a wall while we were traveling 


At the entrance of the Rambagh Palace

Previous entry:  Rambagh Palace Jaipur by The Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces December 3, 2012


In the room on top of the fireplace at the Rambagh Palace

Previous entry:  Rambagh Palace Jaipur


At Dera Amer Resort, Jaipur

Previous entry:  Dera Amer December 5, 2012


A a local handicrafts store in Jaipur


Pink elephant!!!


By the City Palace Jaipur


 At The Raj Palace Hotel Jaipur


Ganesh again 🙂  There are many more Ganesh all over India!


Handle of the door at the Umaid Bawan Palace Jodhpur


At a local handicrafts store in Jodhpur


On the wall of the Fort at Jodhpur


At the camp, Jodhpur


At Gem Palace, Jaipur


Elephant Marble carving at the Jains Temple


Lifesize marble elephant at the Jains temple


At the Oberoi Udaivilas, Udaipur


At the Palace in Udaipur


Ganesh in Art


At the airport in New Delhi


Other elephants 🙂



Dera Amer

By | Animals and Pets, Travel | One Comment

We didn’t ride the elephants at the Amber Fort but we went to Dera Amer instead


The owner of Dera Amer, Udaijit Singh.  He also starred in the movie Far Pavilion


I am scared to go near the elephants 🙂


Feeding time 🙂


The resort


Polo Field for Elephant polo 


Our elephants 


James and I riding 🙂


We had a private elephant ride 🙂  Peaceful and quiet.  We realized how slow the elephants move and that’s how they used to travel in the olden days!  I was a bit scared because we were so high! If that elephant decides to dance or something… yikes! 🙂


Then you get back to the Polo field from the other end


Click below to go to their website



Visiting the Stables at the Last Chukker

By | Animals and Pets, For kids | No Comments

Another adventure with Lolo 🙂  


With Tita Tess and Nina at the stables


I joined him when he went to watch Nikki, my niece ( his great granddaughter ) having her riding lessons


My niece, Nikki who aside from being a great ballerina, also rides very well!

Previous entry:  Nikki’s Ballet Performance  April 13, 2012 


I was able to take a short video of Nikki who did two jumps!  


The best trainer in the stables, Jones Lanza


Oh no Jones, bad photo 🙁  Have to feature again up close next time! 🙂


Jones’ mom, Tita Baby Santos Lanza,  watching as well 🙂


And oh my gosh!! Nina’s horse came out!!! BEAUTIFUL!! I have always wanted to have my own horse!!!


Tita Tess used to ride so she loves horses too!



Cats in the House

By | Animals and Pets | 3 Comments

Our house seems to have a lot of cats roaming around……and giving birth too 🙂  I was in the basement and I peeped through the window and saw a cat with her babies.  We have a pocket area in the basement which is actually a nice home for them which is why maybe she stayed here.  She gave me that scary look since maybe she thought I was going to harm them.  I looked again the next day and they wre gone.  I am imagining she had to carry them up this wall one by one to bring them out


I came home one day and saw again another cat – a white one- posing in the front door – I thought it was a nice shot- I took it right away hoping to catch the shot before it runs away 


True enough it moved and I was still able to take another shot 🙂 


Another day, another cat 🙂 They are actually nice props in our home, part of the decor 🙂 


This one I saw on the ledge of the balcony 


Another one by the living room 


Just saw one posing again recently by the front door



An Evening with Peter Allison

By | Animals and Pets, Travel | One Comment

I attended this talk by Peter Allison organized by A to A Safaris 

Previous entry:  Asia to Africa Safaris January 3, 2012


Everyone here has either been to a safari like Jay Lopez and Tito Manny and Tita Ina Dizon….


…..or has been to a safari and wants to go again on another adventure like Tessa Valdes and Malou Gamboa, and Chie Gatchalian and her husband


planning to go to a safari like Aileen Anastacio, Chip Syyap and Mia Florencio   


or maybe some just dreaming to go to one one day, that’s me 🙂  maybe with my bestfriend Eds or with Steve and Cherina 🙂


And here is Peter Allison!  I actually find him cute 🙂 When he starts to talk he reminds me of Crocodile Dundee.  He told me that he lives in Cape Town behind the mountains with 4 horses and he just jumps on one when he wants to go somewhere 🙂  He goes around the mountain to get to work which is around 20 minutes away


I love this slide which I saw in the last presentation of A to A 


Peter’s talk was not the usual sales or marketing talk, but he showed us photos from his safari adventures!  It was very interesting because he knows about animal behavior.  We probably will not be able to tell what animals are doing when we take their photos, but Peter knows and has a story behind every photo he takes 


One day, I am going to take my own photos and tell my own African Safari story….. one day! 🙂 and who knows, maybe Peter Allison will be my safari guide!  Woohoo!  


 Peter is also a famous author


CLick below to go to Peter’s facebook page



Balik Bukid

By | Animals and Pets, For kids, Giving Back, Green, Nature | 4 Comments

Congratulations to my cousins, Gippy and Hindy Tantoco for a super wonderful Balik Bukid fair!!!!  Heart2Heart enjoyed so much!!!!!  It was really a very nice event for the family.  We arrived at around 830am and there were already many people there.  The booths were really nice and unique!! and the food as well!!!  I wish I could have stayed all day. I could not put all 500 photos of mine so I compiled them into a video so you won’t miss most of the details of the event.  I am looking forward to PART 2 which I hope will be before Christmas!! and Part 3 and Part 4 and Part 5…..

Previous Entry:  A Family Affair At Balik Bukid Country Fair May 20, 2012 


