Category Archives: Animals and Pets

Rene Wigen Schnauzer Breeder

By | Animals and Pets, Travel | One Comment

From Corte Madera, we drove down further to Woodland, California to visit a Schnauzer breeder, Rene Wigen.  Javier is obsessed with wanting to have a Schnauzer, a BLACK one to be specific.  So, our brother, John, introduced us to this breeder who specializes in black Schnauzers.

We went to her house, a very nice and cozy house and she had a flag outside her house so we could not miss it  


 All her dogs are Champion dogs


When we arrived, there were 5 dogs all excited and barking and running all over to meet us!  We were a bit scared and overwhelmed, but they were all very friendly and happy dogs.  


It was obvious that Rene really takes good care of them and they all love her


This is the pregnant mom


And just to show you how they treat their dogs, they even take ultra sound tests!!!


The reason this dog is not black is because she is a RESCUE DOG.  Rene told us she saw her in the window of a pet store and she could not leave her there so she bought her and took her in.  She is a bit smaller than the normal mini Schnauzer but very good natured and very lovable


She has so many Schanuzer decorations around her house 🙂


and a nice garden for the dogs to play in



In A Concrete Jungle Where Dreams Are Made Of

By | Animals and Pets, Decor and Set ups | One Comment

Even my very creative friend, Jun Jun Ablaza, had a beautiful set up for a dinner in jungle/safari theme!  I am now wondering what the food was which I am sure was very good.  Thanks to Jun Jun for allowing me to share his photos.  Hopefully I can feature more of Jun Jun at Heart2Heart since he does a lot of beautiful set ups


There’s nothing you can do…. The lights will inspire you…




By | Animals and Pets, What's new at Shopwise? | One Comment

I was so happy to receive an email from my Ateneo College classmate, Ginger!  


Thanks Ginger for sending the photo to me.   And I am passing this on to all the readers of Heart2Heart – passing on a Dragonfly to all of you for Love, Peace, Happiness, Luck and all the many good things the dragonfly brings! 🙂


Dear Rica,

I was in Shopwise Alabang last Monday and as I paid, saw a dragonfly on the canvas shopping bag on the shelf beside the cashier. Here is the photo. Should’ve taken it horizontally to include more bags and text, but well, it says a lot, I think, and just thought it might be something that you would like seeing too. Nice ‘no? Dragonflies are hard to come by these days.Here it is for you.

Ginger Vinluan-Olivares




Taken from


