Answered prayers again, My favorite Turkish couple – Engin Akyurek ( Omer) and Tuba Buyukustun @tubabustun.official ( Elif) are back in a series again!!! 2015 they did Black Money Love @karaparaask_tv ( still showing in @netflix ) and because it was so popular & fans ( like me) loved them – they are back as Sancar & Mavi in Sefirin Kizi @sefirinkizidizi ( Ambassador’s Daughter) It’s a long story but Tuba only came in episode 37 since the leading lady left. I wish they just started a new series but anyway they can edit it to be a new series and hoping @netflix will show it!! I’m so happy and I’m shipping them even more now since Tuba is now single compared to 2015 she was married at that time!! Well, my prayers might come true again as it always does #h2hturkish #h2hentertainment #sancarvemavi #sancarmavi
Category Archives: Entertainment
Super love these!! From my friend Dexter Ding @baisbonelesslechon There’s a need to have deeper conversations – The first set is actually for couples – so it’s perfect for Valentine’s day!!!! – “The @socards was born in Manila, made in California, but has it’s base in Amsterdam, my son the founder Miguel, is photographer-filmmaker-all-around creative. For years, he shot documentaries, short films, and commercials with clients ranging from Chevrolet to Johnson’s to Netflix. Now, he lives life on a per-project basis, with the latest being So Cards. On the surface, it’s just a box of conversation starters, but it’s more than that. The questions themselves came from years of making documentaries and getting people to open up. Whatever the medium – whether it’s photo, film, prose, or live events, Miguel’s mission is to understand different cultures, point out its quirks, and figure out ways to go back to what makes us human. Since then he has launched in on kickstarter and has sold over 7000+ decks worldwide. His goal was simple: Many people crave great conversation, but few know how to start one. A good question can be the tiny spark that ignites a forest fire of thoughts, ideas, and personal revelation. My gift to you has fifty-two of them designed to foster deeper or more entertaining discussions rather than if you’d simply asked how are you, how was work, or did you see that thing on the news? I would like to invite you to bring this to parties, the dinner table, or to a stranger. Take turns, take your time, and see where one card can take you. Here is a simple video he made: “ Mention heart2heart for 10% discount and 15% discount if you get both plus free shipping contact Dexter +63 917 842 8498 #socards #h2hgiftsuggestions #h2hhotoffthepress
The BEST magician ever! Lou Hilario! A MUST in your party even for adults! 30 years ago i hired him for the surprise party i threw for the hubby. He has been doing this for 40 years! The BEST magic! Contact through @jellybelliesco @angelettec #h2hentertainment #h2hpeople #h2hcelebrations
REP holds Summer Workshops for aspiring performers Enroll now for classes beginning April 22
Whether you’re unlocking your child’s artistic talents or exploring the exciting world of theater for yourself, there’s nowhere better for you to do so than at Repertory Philippines (REP) Workshop for the Performing Arts. From April to July, REP is holding its annual summer series of intensive courses in Performing Arts, ranging from basic to advanced, allowing everyone the chance to shine under the spotlight. With its 52-year track record of artistic excellence, REP has trained and honed the very best theater talents in the country.
The first batch of workshops runs from April 22 until June 8, while the second round starts June 10 to July 19, and will be facilitated by some of the country’s most outstanding thespians and practitioners. All classes will be held from Monday to Friday at the Active Fun Building, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig.
Get your kids to lift their heads from their gadget screens, learn new skills, and enjoy some good times with newfound friends by enrolling them in the Kiddie Classes for children aged 4 to 8 years old, the Pre-Teens Class for kids 9 to 12 years old, or the Teens Class for 13 to 16-year old students.
Learn from the best thespians in the country and discover how performing can change your life for the better by joining the REP 2019 Summer Workshop for the Performing Arts. Don’t miss the first round of workshops from April 22 to June 8 and the second set of sessions from June 10 to July 19.
Young talents from REP’s 2018 Junior Masterclass showcased their artistic talents in a brand-new musical My Suite Princess. Witness a new roster of performers as they conquer the stage and bring out their inner star in REP’s 2019 Summer Workshop
REP’s 2018 Kiddie Class impressed the crowd with their enthusiasm and talent during their production called Oink
REP’s 2018 Pre-Teens Class students showed their best moves and lines at their showcase called Superstan
Students from REP’s 2018 Teens Class practicing a scene from their showcase called Remix.
For those who have acting experience and want to take their theater skills to the next level, you are invited to audition for REP’s Junior Masterclass, an intensive seven-week workshop for performers aged 12-18. At the end of this workshop, students will be performing in an all-new musical to be conducted by award-winning actor and director Joel Trinidad and Nicky Triviño, the only Filipino to have joined the 2018 Lincoln Center Director’s Lab in New York City.
Participants aged 17 and older may sign up for the Adults Class, under the tutelage of respected stage veteran Meynard Peñalosa, to help tap into their creative side and discover how performing skills can have a positive impact on their daily lives or personal development. For those seriously considering a career in theater, the Adults Masterclass is an acting program designed to expose participants to advanced acting principles and skills. Join the class to be facilitated by seasoned stage actor and director Jeremy Domingo from June 10 to July 19.
Another exciting workshop opening this summer is the Triple Threat Masterclass. The program uses a musical theater syllabus that teaches breathing techniques to better handle the strenuous training of acting, singing and dancing, with a ballet, jazz and tap foundation. The class also has added training in hip hop and flamenco, and production work. Running from April 22 to June 8, Monday to Friday, the Triple Threat Masterclass will be held at 188 A. Mabini St., Addition Hills, San Juan, Rizal and will be taught by triple threat Maricar Aragon.
The REP Workshop for the Performing Arts trains participants in all aspects of musical theater including singing, acting, and dancing; alongside instilling habits of self-discipline, developing the imagination, and enhancing self-confidence. On the 7th week, students will be showcasing the theater skills they’ve gained in a culminating production to be staged at the Onstage Theater in Greenbelt. Workshop enrollment fees are at P10,000, except for the Adults Masterclass which is at P12,000.
For inquiries, you may call REP at 451-1474 or email If you are interested in applying, you can view the full schedule and download the enrollment form at
For more updates on REP’s workshops, like and follow Repertory Philippines on Facebook and Instagram.
REP’s Father’s Day is a refreshing ode to imperfect families
Get your tickets to the second entry of REP’s 2019 season now!
We all know what being in a family is like. There are happy moments, bitter fights, and a whole lot more in between. Repertory Philippines is giving us a play that examines this shared journey in the most relatable way. Father’s Day is a fitting tribute to imperfect families, so prepare yourself for a fresh and unique theater experience.
The second offering in REP’s 2019 season, Father’s Day runs from March 22 to April 14 at the Onstage Theater in Greenbelt 1. Witness the legendary Baby Barredo make her comeback on the director’s chair as she adapts this West End play for Pinoy audiences. Tickets are out now, so don’t miss this sharply-written story come to life.
One unassuming winter evening, Henry Willows receives an unexpected visit from his estranged son, Matthew, and his goth girlfriend, Christine. Still bitter from the divorce that tore his family apart, Henry treats them unkindly. After discovering that Matthew has run away however, he decides to call his ex-wife, Sue, resulting in an uneasy family reunion. When it is revealed that the sixteen-year-old Christine may be pregnant, it prompts Henry and Sue to recall their past, prodded on by the mischievous and conniving Matthew, who wishes to see his parents together again.
Though filled with no-holds-barred dialogue and savage comebacks, Father’s Day is a touching story about how family sticks together no matter what. Leading the cast is widely respected theater stalwart Miguel Faustmann as Henry Willows, accompanied by Andres Borromeo as Matthew Willows, Liesl Batucan as Sue, and Becca Coates and Rachel Coates alternating as Christine.
After its run, Father’s Day will give way to the rest of REP’s exciting 2019 season. Watch out for The Dresser, which runs from May 3 to 26 and features a dramatic look at what happens behind-the-scenes of a theater. And perfect for kids and kids at heart, The Quest for the Adarna in September transforms the beloved Ibong Adarna tale into a colorful English musical.
Purchase your tickets now by calling REP at 451-1474, Ticketworld at 891-9999, or by logging on to
Thank you Hubert & Karen @karenskitchenph for taking us to see this wonderful performance #musikalnapo #9wtmusikalnapo They watched again with us I super love Apo Hiking Society Congratulations Robbie @robbieguevara Karen & I made sure we congratulated the cast for a great performance- after all we need to encourage our very own and patronize our local theater ! Jim Paredes was there #h2hentertainment#h2hproudtobepinoy #h2hsongs
ETO NA! Musikal nAPO ! #musikalnapo Written and directed by @robbieguevara Super love APO Hiking Society and all their songs since we were kids. Watching this musical brings back memories of that period in our life. So fun and entertaining. Support our very own artists! It is until March 17 only at the Maybank Performing Arts Theater #h2hentertainment #h2hsongs#h2hproudtobepinoy #9WTMusikalnAPO#GlobeLiveMusikalnAPO
Movie night last night showing one of my favourite movies – Coco #h2hentertainment
The Kennedy Center, located on the banks of the Potomac River near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., opened to the public in September 1971. But its roots date back to 1958, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed bipartisan legislation creating a National Cultural Center. To honor Eisenhower’s vision for such a facility, one of the Kennedy Center’s theaters is named for him. (website) #hamiltonmusical#thekennedycenter #h2hwashingtondc#h2hentertainment
Hamilton @hamiltonmusical at the @kennedycenter for 3 months
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