First order of the day – to buy Tonipons @toni_pons_official “bilin” in Malaga #tonipons #h2hcostadelsolBeautiful Malaga
Category Archives: Fashion
Proud to be part of the opening of the Museum of Philippine Economic History in Iloilo. Thank you Tito Frank @bigmandrilon and Tita Mila for all your efforts and initiatives for our country!
The gang lead by BFF Eds @manayesg Camille @camillegenuino Stella, Anton @antonbarretto Leah @puyatleah Milli @mds168 and Angeline, We are proud to wear our very own #museumofphilippineeconomichistory#itsmorefuninphilippines #h2hiloilo#h2hfashion #h2hproudtobepinoy
Beautiful Camille Tolentino Genuino @camillegenuino in Ditas Sandico Ong @rustansph ( top by @miaarcenas ) at the opening of the Museum of Philippine Economic History in Iloilo. If you are wearing something from Rustan’s @rustansph and especially if it’s Filipiniana you get a solo photo in @heart2heartonline
I told BFF Eds @manayesg that we should follow @bernsrp and wear our very own so we all did. Camille is a childhood friend I met through our parents who were friends. The Genuinos are so lucky to have her as she is so nice just like them. She is a great mom and you will see it in her children In 2014, we went to Iloilo to turnover boats to almost a hundred fishermen that lost their boats from typhoon Yolanda/ Haiyan. She is like her mom always helping our fellowmen and continue to by being part of Negrense Volunteers for Change @nvcfoundation #negrensevolunteersforchange#nvcfoundation #h2hgivingback#h2hproudtobepinoy #h2hfashion#rustansph #h2hrustans
My beautiful Filipiniana roommate- Leah @puyatleah Game na game to dress in terno for the Opening of the Museum of Philippine Economic History. Love it, I understand why she is a walking encyclopedia – She has been a writer for many years when she started in Mega magazine which was one of the first glossy magazines in the market. She wrote for Preview which now is on digital @previewph , continues to write for @philstarlife @metrosocietyph@metrohomeph She writes so well. It’s true that when you travel together you really get to know more about a person and though I already know Leah for a long time, i got to know her more during this quick trip to Iloilo, Aside from being both writers/bloggers, We have the same mission to spread the good news – both in current events and God’s word – to as many as we can. We both steam our clothes in the hotel shower
we both snore
we both appreciate the same things and most importantly we both love God & Mama Mary ( and Stella @camillegenuino ) Always fun to be with her and even 100x more fun if her BFF Angelette @angelettec were there so we missed her this time. #h2hpeople#h2hiloilo
Another collection of Roselle @itsmacallan are her dresses when she was one year old kept by her mom. Designed by Malou Veloso and Tere Litton – WoW #h2hfashion #h2hdesigners#h2hcollections
My cousin, Tara Soriano @tarasoriano of @cadmia is going to New York to join NY Fashion week and will be having a collection in @ladyscottjones before she leaves. Feb. 8-9 at 930 to 530pm Hope to see you there tomorrow or Saturday #cadmia#h2hfashion #h2hdesigners #lsjxcadmia
Tara Soriano @tarasorianoof @cadmia now at @ladyscottjonesEverything designed and handmade by herself swipe left to see her hands – truly a labor of love #cadmia #h2hdesigners #h2hfashion#ladyscottjones #lsjxcadmia
Super love this by @cadmia@tarasoriano Prices range from P400 – P 1,500 Come visit @ladyscottjones and stack them all #cadmia #h2hfashion#ladyscottjones #lsjxcadmia
I love hanging out in @ladyscottjones I had a meeting with Jonathan @jonathanmatti who discovered Tara @tarasoriano and he kidnapped her on the spot to paint something in his client’s house. Yay! He also bought a Wedgewood tray,
Then we had lunch with my friend Atty. Julia Morales @msmj888 in one of the beautiful dining tables there
and a surprise visit by Ria @riacampos and cutie pie Francisco. Fun morning yesterday #cadmia #lsjxcadmia #h2hdesigners
Thank you @djbigboycheng for the tour of your amazing home . Words cannot describe your impressive collection. We are so blessed to have had the chance to see this #djbigboycheng #cornellxph#h2hart #h2hcollections #supreme
Superstar @djbigboycheng So sad he could not personally tour us – i was hoping the boys could meet this very unique, funny, cool, nice, generous, aliw, cute guy Super love him. He is so popular and I am so glad i met him many years ago at his Ronac building where he has his @secretfreshgallery and @uratex_philippines showroom in San Juan. He is also the Matress King so if you need mattresses @uratex_philippinesin all ranges – he is the owner. He has a youtube channel follow him DJ Bigboy Cheng and you will see him unbox his latest shoe arrival. He has almost 60,000 followers. Thank you @djbigboycheng for sharing your home and your collection with #cornellxph our family #djbigboycheng #h2hpeople #h2hart#secretfreshgallery #uratex
Bigboy’s son Kurt took us around since Bigboy was in Baguio. Thank you Kurt!! Super amazing Rubber shoes collection of @djbigboycheng This room has 24/7 airconditioning #djbigboycheng #h2hcollections#h2hshoes
Bencab toys!!!
A room turned into a closet for all Supreme shirts and bottoms- AMAZING!
Basketball and Badminton court!!!
de Jesus X GAP X GQ @gapphilippines @gq @gqstyleChristmas gifts to our handsome nephews @lewlopez @rdjcampos ( with Woody @woodyshattan who is now part of the family) this year which required them to do a photoshoot for us Thank you guys for cooperating for Heart2Heart xmas photo – next year the girls should be included @georgiabdj@riacampos #gapph #gapphilippines#ssilife @ssilifeph #h2hssi #h2hfashion#h2hxmas
Happy 10th year anniversary Rosanna Ocampo @rosannaocampo_rod #rosannax10#rosannaocampo #h2hcelebrations#h2hfashion #h2hdesigners
Ramon Valera exhibit at @iamfilipinaz ( Nov.9-11)
The 2nd photo is a photo of the niece of Ramon V, Patching dela Fuente with her daughters Dette and Pia ( and another daughter) who all wore that beautiful gown. #iamfilipinaz #ramonvalera #h2hproudtobepinoy #h2hdesigners #h2htribute Because of the Ramon Valera exhibit at the @iamfilipinaz fair, I pulled out some dresses which i inherited from my late Lola Charing – I am so blessed I got 3 Ramon Valera gowns ?? and 2 are our very own terno/saya design ( our national costume)
as our Secretary of Tourism Berna Romulo @bernsrp says we should wear and be proud ?? Beautiful beadwork ?? #sayaoutfits #terno #h2hproudtobepinoy #ramonvalera #h2hfashion
Congratulations Tito Stephen & Tita Reggie on their new store in New York City – Taste Collection – @taste.collection Take a peek what’s inside including Philippine brands – Touch of Craft Inc @touchofcraftinc by Emily Campos and Eccentrics @eccentricsltd accessories by Tita Chiqui Sison. If you are in the lower East side come drop by at Taste Collection NY boutique 83 Rivington St corner Orchard St Lower East Side NY 10002 #tastecollection#h2hnyc #h2hpeople
Sophie, the beautiful manager of Taste Collection
Soon to open – Tsismis @tsismisnyc right beside Taste Collection @taste.collection in Orchard street. A restaurant by Tito Stephen serving “Filipino-inspired New American cuisine” according to him #tsismisnyc#tastecollection #h2hnyc#h2hproudtobepinoy
So happy to meet so many new talented chefs ?? Chef Jappy Afzelius – a graduate of @enderuncollegesand worked in France and California, a Filipino restaurant in Brooklyn and recently went to Italy to learn more cooking. He is the chef of @tsismisnyc ? of Tito Stephen and Tita Reggie. So excited ? #chefjappyafzelius#tsismisnyc #h2hnyc #h2hchefs
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