Another nice way of documenting!!! I love it! It’s so nice to see how the kids grow every year! Videos say a lot more than just photos!! I will be taking more videos starting this year!
Another nice way of documenting!!! I love it! It’s so nice to see how the kids grow every year! Videos say a lot more than just photos!! I will be taking more videos starting this year!
Love what they did in New York where you can now use the bike to go around!! Sponsored by Citibank!
Economical, green, anti pollution, healthy and practical!
I am so glad Jaime took it for a day – he is very independent so he just travels around the city – usually the bus or underground- but I prefer this
I saw the same thing in London!
What a great idea!!!!! So nice of friends of Rhea – Chary Mercado, Chinie Hidalgo Diaz, Gem Mañosa, Gene Tamesis, Willy de Ocampo, Tech Alegre and Rhea’s sister, Donna Ferro and cousin, Gigi Eala – to help her fight her battle against cancer.
Rhea has had an eight year battle with breast cancer. This year she was admitted in a treatment program at Stanford Cancer Center but to join that, she has to stay in the US for a year. All funds raised will pay for her living expense while she is there
Most of the bags will be marked with fixed prices ranging from P 1,000.00 to P 2,500.00. The very nice designer bags in good condition have starting prices from P 3,000 all the way up to P 40,000 and those will be the ones up for auction. It will be a silent auction. The bidding starts at 3pm and closes at 4:30pm and the winner can take home the bag that day. According to Chary, they have almost every brand name, recent models and vintage ones. It’s a great outlet for fashionistas because they will sell at less than half of retail. It’s also a chance to get bags that are no longer being sold or those that do not retail in the Philippines. Here are some of the bags
For more information and photos of other bags on auction, please go to their facebook page or click below
Another booth at Best Food Forward which I liked. A fun giveaway – personalized chocolates! I remember I had this 13 years ago when I had Javier and I had to have it printed and then bought Hershey’s chocolate. Now it can be done so easily for you
In 2006, Ninong Noey gave Jaime, his hijado, Starbucks shares as a graduation gift
At that time, Starbucks share price was US$ 36.70
And today, the share price is $60.00. What a great gift that grows in years to come and what a nice way to teach a child about investment and to make them know how it feels like to own shares of a company at an early age.
Thank you Jay and Carmen for the christmas gift of Salt We always receive unique gifts from Jay and Carmen. They obviously take the effort to make something special – the packaging, sharing some information on the salts. And Heart2Heart likes it because it supports our very own Philippine products
Previous entry: Handcrafted Candy Dispenser June 20,2011
This year we got salt again from them – Love the packaging as well
And from my friend, Arlene Maslog
In Mothers Club, Mimie introduced us to Maligaya Institute. What a great service for our country! Our countrymen never ceases to amaze Heart2Heart. Right and left, many individuals, many organizations helping out our fellow countrymen.
An amazing institution that helps young women from less privileged sectors by giving them free education and training so they can eventually find jobs to earn a living
If you want to support Maligaya Institute
Click here to go to the website for more information: Foundation for Professional Training Inc.
Inspired by the candy buffet I made for Javier’s birthday party
I made another one for one Sunday lunch
and here are other candy buffets I saw from friends
Might be a nice idea for halloween!!
Heart2Heart recently visited this new place and loves it!!! I think many of you will too. It was formerly a warehouse which they converted into sort of a mall type of operations
I bumped into the owners there!!! Tito Raffy and Tita Juvy!
With the help of their daughter Cheska and her friends, they conceptualized this place. It’s a place with very unique, ” artsy”, and quaint restaurants and stores!! Reminds me of the type of stores you would see in Soho or Tai Kang Lu in Shanghai ( Tai Kang Lu April 22, 2010 )!
Of course my first stop is in our friend’s place – Paolo and Trina’s HAPPY PALACE! Love the name They serve Mongolian BBQ and dimsum! Each child of Tito Raffy and Tita Juvy has a space and each of them have their own concepts
Then Jaco and Kathy have their store too which is tops and Kathy’s line of Bella. As usual, i bought one of each cologne!
Then here is Cheska with her store called Skizo with many fun costumes and props to dress yourself up
Then there are other shops
One of Heart2Heart’s favorite stores in the place!!
All Tita Juvy’s friend’s shopping too!
My kids would love this so I need to take them here too as they know Pao Vasquez
And 3 more other restaurants in the area!
In the middle is an open space where events and small concerts are held. There is a bar to serve drinks and food as well nearby. You can rent the venue
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