We can’t control the things that happen around us but we can control the way we react towards them. That’s Stoicism. It’s so Heart2Heart, I believe so much in that and I’m a fan of @ryanholiday I’m so lucky we got 4 books. Thank you EO @jptuason who first introduced him to us & gave us the first book. Then to Chris @chrisdaez and @_fullybooked for the Daily Stoic and to Edward @edward715 Eileen @eileensdharma Leah @leahcaringal & EO @eophilippines for 2 more books & for bringing him closer to us today. Intro on Ryan by Edward “Few writers have done more to bring ancient, timeless wisdom and cutting-edge marketing strategies together than Ryan Holiday. By age 33, his philosophically driven bestselling books have sold over three million copies and spent more than 200 weeks on bestseller lists. His books are taught in colleges and marketing programs around the world, He has directly influenced Super Bowl-winning teams, NBA Champions like the San Antonio Spurs, and Olympic Gold Medalists, as well as sitting Senators, military leaders, and some of the biggest and most important companies in the world like Google, Twitter, and Microsoft
At the core of Ryan’s teachings is Stoicism. What is Stoicism? The idea that while we don’t always control what happens to us in life, we always control how we respond. Illustrated vividly with stories from the greats (and not-so-greats) of history, Ryan provides a framework for overcoming obstacles, scaling new challenges and battling both the ups and downs and life.” #eophilippines#h2heo#h2hhotoffthepress#h2hquotes

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