I am reading 3 books now and the latest is from my friend Bambi @bambi_linkedge A book by Jinky Amores @jinkycharinaamores I noticed messages coming loud and clear in all 3 books! It is about CHANGE!! Next year I am turning GOLD and my plan is to start changing myself and changing the way I do things for God & for others. It is not too late to change. We cannot change other people but we can start by changing ourselves. It is only us who can RECREATE ourselves accdg to Maria Shriver. And today is Election day and my only hope and prayer is for all politicians to maybe CHANGE their ways and serve our country ?? Being elected in such a position is a blessing by God & He wants us to do our mission. Secretly I am convincing someone close to my love to be President one day or to serve our country. Imagine if you can do that before you leave this world? I wish I could …. meantime it’s regular programming for heart2heart and I hope you can share this message. There is still hope! Never lose hope even if the greatest of these is LOVE ( i learned this fr a forwarded video) #h2hquotes #h2h50thbday
Category Archives: Today’s Quote
Super this gift from my good friend Alexie. My friends really know me.
She made sure I brought this book with me on my trip. You read a short chapter each day and it’s so so beautiful and inspiring.
True enough today, on my birthday, this is the message You are the jewel. Don’t get discouraged when the gift wrap wrinkles or fades. There’s something precious inside. Love myself no less as I age. “- Maria Shriver @mariashriver#h2hquotes #h2hhotoffthepress#h2hgifts
This is proof!!! that when you GIVE you will RECEIVE !! ( you will never be poor – materially & spiritually) Just a month ago as part of decluttering I gave away some shoes and yesterday I received 7 pairs of shoes from my fairy godmother Tita. I am so lucky i have many fairy godmothers Ofcourse the true spirit of giving is unconditional and without expecting anything in return – so receiving is a bonus – a blessing from God #h2hgiving #h2hquotes#h2hhouseholdtips #h2hreligious
Sharing a nice article forwarded to me by my friend Rina. Something to ponder on for the start of the new year
What is true generosity? I have seen it live both from my Dad and Mom. They know many important people from high up there but they know more people who they meet wherever they go because they treat them as VIPs. They always have a gift from Starbucks @starbucksph or pasalubong from the Philippines.
But the ultimate is my dad. All the staff know Mr. Lopez – he has his signature weapon – his wallet His tip yesterday to a Filipina staff ( in Singapore) was bigger than the price of his pasta Many of the most successful and famous people in the world are either a King, a Pope, a President of a country, A genius who invented some gadget or a rich person who made it to the Forbes list of Billionaires. My dad is successful and famous and he did not have to be any of those. You can go to a place that he has been to and they will know “Mr. Lopez” from the janitor to the General Manager. The staff recognise Mr. Lopez from maybe another place where they experienced him or just remember him as a client. That is because he treats them with utmost respect and not to mention….tips them very well. He always tells me that we should not scrimp on tips because that is their means of livelihood. “Kawawa naman.” Aside from tipping very well, he always takes time out to talk to them. He just always makes an impression with every person he meets. A video which reminds me of him.
– Happy 73rd bday to my most generous dad #h2htribute #h2hquotescecilelilles
I am not the “hovering” “clingy” type of mom but I am the bossy and nagging type because I love my two boys so much.
I nag them about many things but I nag them mostly about 3 things:
1.) That they should find a wife that is like their mom. haha!!! :)Someone who loves God, loves her husband and loves her family.
2.) That they will continue to love and support each other especially when they are working already or have their own businesses.
3.) That in case something happens to Papa and Mama, that they still continue to love and support each other and for the older one to watch out for his younger brother and help one another.
We love them both equally and give them and will give the same opportunities and the same benefits because we want to them to love each other forever. That is our promise and our wish for our 2 sons who from the very beginning have been very close and we hope that will remain even when we are gone. I believe that that is one of the best inheritance you can give your children LOVE I pray for the best for them and for their future #h2hquotes
Outfit for the day for Lolo’s 97th bday ! We surprised him for breakfast wearing this tshirt with all his words of wisdom ! #h2hlolochronicles #h2hquotes
WOW 9 birthday cakes 9 lives
My only wish for you and for me is to make sure you live life to the fullest I learned that from my parents who know how to do it so well. I ask my friends and family to include me in their prayers today – the best gift ever My heart is full. People say I am a hoarder it’s true – i am a hoarder of blessings and grateful #h2hbirthdaycakes#h2hcelebrations
Thank you Jean Marie Tan for this yummy chocolate cake which we super love!! Very special
From Dad and Mom
From the fruit lady herself, Leah Dy of Fruits in Bloom Thank you!!! Every year no fail – Starbucks remembers me!!!
From my family in the company. 6 out of 9 are from them!
My siblings and I made a rule a few years ago that we will take turns accompanying dad and mom when they travel since they are already in their 70s. And though they are still very independent and strong, it’s more preventive ( why wait for something to happen?) and making sure someone assists & accompanies them. We are 5 siblings & we have difficulty keeping up with their schedule/pace :-O And when we are with them it’s not an easy task because they are so active. It’s a full time job haha!!! They in turn continue to still watch over us- me and my siblings rely so much on them. They continue to take good care of us. We enjoy being with them because they are so cool And be assured you will never go hungry
which is why we gain so much weight :-O So blessed to have them and vice versa ( haha ) we hope
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