Category Archives: Today’s Quote

Keep Calm and Love Heart2Heart

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Heart2Heart is back online!  The website was down last August 22, Friday, when the host temporarily suspended the website because there was some internal problem.  While that happened, we decided to upgrade the website in wordpress.  I started Heart2Heart 7 years ago and from that time I never upgraded it – so we had to do it slowly step by step from version 2.2 to 3.9 which I think was almost 10 upgrades which we did not do.  So I can breath a little now that we are updated in terms of wordpress.  We were able to restore it last August 27 10377013_10152336209196872_1452162808278454773_n

Though it is online, please bear with us since there may be some interruptions or some glitches while we are working on  it slowly.


Meantime 🙂 I would like to thank all of you who read and who have supported Heart2Heart from the beginning and of course for those that continue to read and visit Heart2Heart! 🙂keep calm and read my blog


You Don’t Have To Try So Hard to Be Beautiful

By | Beauty, Today's Quote | No Comments

The only make up tutorial women should watch before they leave the house


Beauty does not mean you will not put make up and not beautify yourself.  Many people tell me to photoshop their photos and I always tell them that it is not necessary.  I am sure many of you will agree with me that my photos of people are beautiful and those are not photoshopped.  I use photoshop only to brighten a photo but not to change the natural beauty of a person




Happiness and Satisfaction Comes from Having No Expectations

By | Today's Quote | One Comment

Happiness and satisfaction comes from having no expectations

Many people complain or are unhappy when they meet someone, or get a particular product, food or service that they got.  Could it be that before hand they had some expectations that were not met?  Imagine not having any expectations and feeling happy receiving whatever blessing came your way 🙂 

I sometimes get comments about Heart2Heart for recommending a place and they end up going and not liking it.  Firstly, each and everyone has their own personal and unique taste.  I like cheese, James likes chocolate.  Jaime likes spicy, I cannot eat spicy.  They get mad at me for liking a one michelin star chef – but they came in expecting a three star michelin chef – how can you be happy? Best is relative – what best for you is not best for someone else.  What is even more depressing is expecting something from a person and that person does not deliver.  Imagine how emotionally devastating it can be for yourself.  

Heart2Heart’s secret to happiness – MANAGE YOUR EXPECTATIONS in everything you do – expect that anything that comes your way is a blessing.  Better yet, have NO EXPECTATIONS – I guarantee you, you will be happy! YOU WILL NEVER BE DISAPPOINTED!

