Time is what you make it in “Rent”

By | Entertainment | No Comments


The New Year calls for a brand new perspective on time and what best way to realize this than to catch award-winning musical, ‘Rent’!


On Feb. 6, 2010 at 3:30pm, take an intimate journey through a year in the lives of a circle of friends living their dreams, battling their demons and celebrating life on the streets of New York City’s East Village. Meet would be filmmaker Mark,


songwriter Roger,


sweet transvestite Angel,


exotic dancer Mimi


and a host of other unforgettable characters as they confront the challenges of poverty, morality, paying the rent and making most of their time.


Tickets for the opening weekend matinee show at the Carlos P. Romulo Theater in RCBC Plaza, Makati is now available. To reserve, contact 0920.9148175, 0917.7941984 or e-mail nodaybuttoday2010@gmail.com.  You may also visit www.nodaybuttoday2010.blogspot.com for more information. 


‘Rent’ is produced by 9 Works Theatrical and is directed by theater veteran, Robbie Guevarra. The talented cast includes Gian Magdangal as songwriter Roger Davis, Fred Lo as filmmaker Mark Cohen and Nicole Laurel Asensio alternating with Cara Barredo as dancer Mimi Marquez.  The cast also features OJ Mariano as Tom Collins, Carla Guevara-Laforteza as Maureen Johnson, Noel Rayos as Benny Coffin, Job Bautista as Angel Schunard and Jenny Villegas as Joanne.


There’s only a month to go so get your tickets to the opening matinee of ‘Rent’ now!  No day but today!



Polar Express to the North Pole

By | Christmas, Travel | One Comment

Sharing with you a nice Christmas letter from our friend, Sihanouk and Gia.  What a unique family Christmas vacation. Thanks Gi for letting Heart2Heart share your christmas experience   


An experience worth remembering on a train like no other ( so far)

This was one trip that needed the extra planning and preparation. Every year, the Polar express makes it’s way to the North Pole and the only way to get on it is to win a lottery. Tell me it isn’t true, but I’d really want to believe that the man made famous by his ho-ho-hos personally picked us.

The day started out at 5 degrees Fahrenheit. There was a promise of a snowstorm coming that same night. Let’s beat that storm home said my brave husband. With at least 4 layers from top to bottom  our pjs on top, we loaded Mateo, our 3 year old and Sari, our 6 month old on the car. It was quite the drive. The view spectacular as we drove past snow capped mountains and frozen waterfalls on 93 north. We whisked by small towns, all promising quaintness that unfortunately we’d never know of ( not on this trip anyway). Our goal : to get to the Hobo Junction at Lincoln-Woodstock New Hampshire just in time to board the Polar Express at 430pm. We got there earlier then we thought and gave in to Mateo’s request for a Happy Meal. “hey, we might as well go all out, after all this day’s supposed to be a magical day for our three year old.” what’s one happy meal to make him a little happier:)



Raffy, Sari and I in tow, Mateo easily maneuvered us thru the crowded junction. There were big toy trains and small toy trains. Train stickers, Christmas balls, a big moose waving hello, a candy corner and people both young and once young in pjs and their practical winter boots. Our boy must have asked us a million times, are we going yet? Raffy appeased his anxious excitedness by taking him out to check out the train we were to board that day. He refused Raffy’s offer to join the other kids making snowballs outdoors. He had his eyes on the prize… his precious choo-choo train. Just then the conductor appeared and with his conductor voice asked us to fall in line. This we eagerly all did. This was also the time when mothers be true to form and check for wet diapers, which is what I did. Sari’s diaper was not only wet but she was soiled! Poor Mateo knocked on the ladies room and asked us to hurry. Almost everyone had boarded the train by that time. So with only a quilted winter suit on, I hurried Sari onto the platform and was helped by the conductor to board.

Lights dimmed by by little lamp shades made the train car look cozy. We had our very own table. Mateo and Raffy faced Sari and me. Mateo made sure he was by the window. The whistles blew, while the conductor busily tore tickets and welcomed the passengers. We were served hot cocoa and chocolate with a caramel center. Scarves were distributed and worn . “All Aboard!”, the conductor said with a loud voice and everyone echoed after him. And then, we were off!  My little boy, with nose pressed on the freezing train window seemed oblivious to the sounds around him. He just gazed out into the darkness perhaps, waiting for a glimpse of wolves or Santa himself. Our hearts warmed by the joy this simple little trip brought to our aspiring train engineer. After 20 minutes or so, we saw what seemed like unusual looking Christmas lights. Nothing prepared us for the very many lanterns that illuminated the dark night. And who were carrying them, why, the elves , of course! There were so many of them. They were jumping, dancing and being silly. ” Welcome to the North Pole!” It was a cold night. We walked on snow cracking under the grooves of our boots as we headed down to Santa’s home. We sat on the floor, rubbing our hands not only to keep it warm but in anticipation of what would come next. Then he came. He was an older man, maybe in his 80’s in his pjs and dressing robe. He took out his glasses and began to read. His story…the Polar Express. Even the very little ones( like Sari) were calm as he read his story till the end. Leaving Mateo to wonder whether he would ever meet Santa and get the first gift of Christmas. It didn’t take long when Santa did appear and took his cold little hands in his.  Mateo was in utter shock. His expression somewhat surprised, a bit dazed.  I was sure of one thing, he could not wait to get his very own santa’s reindeer bell.

The train ride back seemed quiet. I’m guessing each child trying to bank the experience into his memory. Our ride back home was even quieter with both children fast asleep.

As Raffy and I watched the snowstorm raging outside our window that night, we both felt peaceful and content. Just as I’m sure our Little boy will remember this day, we will never forget how in much in awe he was by the whole experience.

Belated Merry Christmas! May peace and love reign in your hearts and homes this year.

 Click on this to go to the website:




Condura Run 2010 Run for the Dolphins

By | Animals and Pets, Giving Back, Sports | 5 Comments

Congrats again Ton!!  Wow!  Every year keeps getting bigger and better!!

As always, we are coming in full force, James and the kids will register and run and I will take photos 🙂   

8 days left to register!  HURRY!!!  



February 7, Sunday 



Log on to their website for more information and to register:  Condura Run 2010




By | Foodie | 3 Comments

Heart2Heart is so happy to have tried Masseto.  Masseto is owned by the same owners of Premium Wine. ( Keena’s Special Day June 9, 2007 and Kung Hei Fat Choy Feb. 6, 2008 )

Tippi had let us know last year but was only able to go recentlydsc_7031.JPGdsc_7033.jpgdsc_7034.JPG

Beautiful interiors by Maja Olivares- Codsc_7106.JPGdsc_7040.JPGdsc_7039.JPGdsc_7044.JPGdsc_7043.JPGdsc_7049.JPGdsc_7050.JPGdsc_7096.JPG

Chef Tippi Tambunting who is behind the great food of Masseto

Previous Entries:

Keena’s Special Day June 9, 2007

Dad’s 80th September 5, 2007 

Saltine’s Toffee Cookies April 9, 2008

Cooking Classes for Kids February 8, 2009 

Congratulations Tippi!! Finally a restaurant where we can enjoy your cooking 





Bacalao Fritters


Goat Cheese Ravioli, Olive Butter 


Pork Belly, Sauerkraut and Onion Rings


Crispy Duck Leg, Roasted Potatoes – one of their popular dishes and really very good


Crab Cakes, Egg, Hollandaise Sauce, Roasted Potatoes


A meal is never complete without dessert! no matter what! And Tippi makes them as well all from scratch 


Pavlova Strawberries- i think I can eat two of these 🙂 Love Pavlova! and Love Strawberries! 


Chocolate Hazelnut Tart – their bestseller, also very good


They have a bar menu and a dinner menu for the evenings and we were able to sample two appetizers which Tippi made us try.  And even after all that she served us, we wanted to order the bar food 🙂  but they were not serving it for lunch


DINNER MENU which is more or less like lunch with a few more other dishes 


Portabello Mushrooms, Baked Egg


Tripe, Lamb Sausage and Bone Marrow Crust – WOW! This was really good!




I suggest to take Ayala Avenue and turn right before RCBC Plaza and that road will lead you to Valero street and to the building which will be on your left

There are a few pay parking spaces in front of the building and we were lucky to get one when we arrived dsc_7032.JPG

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