Shopping in Guam

By | Shopping, Travel | 7 Comments

There are several strip malls and small shops, but these are the main ones we saw:

Tumon Sands Plaza 



This is the main road behind the resort strip of Tumon ( view form the Hyatt Hotel ) 


DFS ( Duty Free Shoppers ) is here in Guam – catering especially to the Japanese tourists who love

all the high end brands 



Micronesia Mall owned and operated by Lucio Tan

They have Macy’s and PayLess supermarket here- I wish they had more US brands/storesred-guahan-shuttle016.jpg


Guam Premium Outlets – Don’t forget to go outside the mall and visit California mart- it is a supermarket with more American supermarket items

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And a Guam favorite is K Mart which is opened 24 hours!! It is the most American part of the city 🙂 because you can buy American products at reasonable prices! I think we went back everyday that we were there! There is also a Home Depot nearby!



I Love Guam!

By | Travel | 14 Comments

Guam may not be such a “hot” destination based on what I have heard from many…but I liked it! I guess it is all about expectations…and managing those expectations and just simply trying to appreciate the charm of a place.  I enjoy seeing new places, observing different cities and cultures and just getting away once in awhile from home.

It is only 3 1/2 hours from Manila and you are already in the USA.  The place is small and manageable.  There is no traffic. Streets are not crowded.  There is enough shopping for every member of the family to bring home.  The food places we went to were very good!  My kids enjoyed the beach, the pool and the waterpark.  What more can I ask for?

30% of the population are Filipinos- you will see them in almost all restaurants, hotels, stores and everywhere.  Almost all of the tourists are Japanese and they are in all the hotels and resorts which are fully booked! Mom and Quito say it reminds them of Daly City.  As we drove around the island which will take probably an hour and a half or so – it reminds me of Subic where you drive around the coast line- and there are several beaches you can stop by and have picnics and swim.  There are nice golf courses I heard.  


Soon, the Okinawa troops are coming over and 9,000 families will be moving to Guam.

I will enjoy the city while it is still not as busy- it is quiet, peaceful, relaxing and definitely a nice family vacation where everyone can enjoy.  


The main part of Guam for tourists is the town of Tumon where all the resorts are surrounding the beach


We stayed at the Hyatt Hotel



Love the view from the balcony of the room!!!  


You can see the pools of the hotel, there are several of them. I like the hotel because though it was full, it did not seem crowded whether at the pool or at the beach


We went to the beach at around 4 pm 

View of the beach on the left side from the beachfront of the Hyatt hotel 


View on the right – hardly anyone on the beach!   We had the beach all to ourselves!!!! Next time, we have to walk the whole beach from end to end!


The beach is not as nice as Boracay since everyone tends to compare to our beaches, but they are okay and very clean…with weeds/moss but relatively clean! 


websites:  Guam 



London Group Reunion

By | Celebrations, Foodie | 5 Comments

 It has been almost 20 years since we all went our separate ways from studying in London together.  We met many other friends from different parts of the world, but we still hung out together. 

It was such a blessing to get all the girls together to be able to catch up.  

We had it in Rina’s place…she always seems to make her place look different and with additional touches


I love this new acquisition…proudly Filipino made 


Rina says this is the table with all her relatives who have passed away and who continue to pray for her and watch over her 🙂 I remember most especially her mother, Tita Fely, who I truly miss! 


Rina and Mich were in town so we were able to organize a get together with the Schiller girls!  Rina invited her neighbor Bambi to join who we found out is somehow connected to the Schiller girls as she is now the fianceé of one of the Schiller boys, Alexie 🙂 We were happy to have her with us as we have not been in touch with Alexie


 Rina prepared a CD as her giveaway  a compilation of songs she chose to fit each of us


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Unique Wedding Ceremony

By | Bridal | No Comments

I got this from 3 different people – Ana, Michele and Dad – in my inbox.  It has 9.5 million views in you tube!  In case you have not seen it yet, ENJOY! 



Fellow Photographers

By | Photography | 5 Comments

Whenever I am in events or occassions, I bump into many photographers taking photos like me!  It is funny how most of the time, I am the only female holding a camera amongst these guys!

Alex Van Hagen – the famous Alex who is in all the events

Previous Entry:   Brothers in Art 2  March 19, 2009


I met this super nice photographer in an event, I forgot his name.  He was talking to me and was saying that I reminded him of his daughter who was a professional photographer. I told him I was not a professional like his daughter… A nice guy! 


Dindo- always always side by side with me!  Dindo is the assistant of Alex Van Hagen. Alex probably has so many events he cannot be in all!  I sometimes join Dindo’s photos when he organizes a group shot, I run to him and take the same shot 🙂 I like him because he always makes sure to take photos of me for the event…though sometimes I hide from him or tell him not to take anymore 🙂


Chat Fernandez – the long time loyal photographer of Tita Gracie Go from the Philippine Star.  He has been going around with her since I met Tita Gracie and he is the one who takes the shots for the newspaper.  If he takes it, for sure it will come out!    He always tells me he likes the old time cameras using film.  A very nice guy! 


My Dad. He has always liked taking videos and photos since we were kids. I realized later on that I am like him!  And thanks to him, I get to inherit the cameras he hands me down when he gets a new one for himself!  Thanks Dad!  You’re the Best!  🙂

Dad now is into taking videos.  He says that I am already taking the photos so he will cover the video portion.  Then he edits the videos and adds some of my photos and comes out with a great video!  He is very good at it!!

Previous entry:  Gothia Cup 2007 by Jun Lopez  July 27, 2008

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Ganaban is the official photographer of my Tita Nedy. He is a bodyguard slash photographer 🙂


Noel dela Merced.  This guy is a very good photographer. I see him with his camera with all kinds of lenses mostly in our friend’s events/parties

Previous Entry:  Noel Dela Merced Photography  July 30, 2008


Tito Butch is the brother of my Dad.  Also always likes taking photos!  




By Tita Nedy

By | Celebrations, Foodie | No Comments

Thanks Tita Nedy for arranging our family get together!  We enjoyed the food and most especially the company!  Looking forward to the next one 🙂




Catered by The Plaza.  Roast beef and ham! Yummy!! 


My favorite is always the home cooked dishes- and this was what i was looking forward to by my special request – Pasta Ala GRT ( named after my Grandmother/Lola ) made by the cook of Tita Nedy – Ines! Thanks Ines!




Dialogues at Starbucks by Macky Chua

By | Arts and Culture, What's New at Starbucks? | No Comments

This Dialogue will be rather unique because the speaker will be playing a few pieces on his violin. Apart from engaging his audience with tips on introducing yourself to western music literature, we get a performance as well.

 J Macky passionately advocates and encourages young people like him to elevate their playlists with the inclusion of Art Music. He will come out soon in People Asia magazine’s 25 Men That Matter list.gr09dialoguesmackychua.jpg
