Mother’s Day Gift Suggestions from Heart2Heart

By | Mother's Day | One Comment

Agatha celebrates Mother’s Day 2009 with a jewellery collection of fun, brightly coloured pieces. Bracelets, necklaces, earrings and watches in decorative designs… now it’s up to you to choose one your mum will love!

Silver bracelets say it all, twinkling with the words “Maman je t’ ” and “Mum I love you”. One spells out your message in charms, and the other comes with two loving hearts: a delicate mother-of-pearl charm engraved with “Mum I love you” on top of a silver heart.

Agatha, or how to say “Mum I love you!”


In the Philippines, Agatha jewelry is exclusively distributed by Stores Specialists, Inc. (SSI) and is available at the boutique located in Greenbelt 5 and Robinson’s Midtown



While at Bizu, you get the chance to win a special gift from Clinique when you purchase any midi or grande cake for pick-up on May 9 and 10.2906_90694322224_60762962224_1598927_7923993_n.jpg


Give a gift of PURE BLISS  and RELAXATION to all the SPECIAL MOMS ( including your mother-in-law!!!!) on MOTHER’S DAY!!!!!!  They will surely enjoy it…

For orders pls text: ( 0920)96.73529 or call 387.9999 / 334.6977 We can deliver within the ALABANG, PQUE and MAKATI area.

Massage R’ Us -MARI BONOAN-ESCANO  (0920) 96.73529 / 387.9999 / 334.6977 









And for the sweetest mom, treat her to the new Apple Cheescake doughnuts of Krispy Kreme for Php 365 a dozenapplepie_may.jpg

Create your own unique Chocolate Doughnut Cake, perfect as a gift for your mom with budding pastry chefs under her wing-enroll them for the Junior Chocolate Chef Certificate Course, for only Php 499.  

 Give her a non-traditional Mother’s Day gift. Learn to create Chocolate Doughnut Bouquet for Mom by joining the Krispy Kreme Junior Chocolate Chef Certificate Course, under Master Baking Teacher Vicky Veloso-Barrera. Call Wanda De Guzman at 840-3694 or email







Children See, Children Do

By | Mother's Day, Today's Quote | 2 Comments

Thanks to Reena for sharing this video… a good reminder for us Moms…… and Dads


and from my good friend, Michele


When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you hang my First painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately Wanted to paint another one. 

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you feed a Stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind To animals. 

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you make my Favorite cake for me, and I learned that the little Things can be the special things in life. 

When you thought I wasn’t looking I heard you say a Prayer, and I knew that there is a God I could always Talk to, and I learned to trust in Him. 

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you make a Meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I Learned that we all have to help take care of each Other. 

When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you give of Your time and money to help people who had nothing,And I learned that those who have something should Give to those who don’t. 

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you take care Of our house and everyone in it, and I learned we have To take care of what we are given. 

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw how you Handled your responsibilities, even when you didn’t Feel good, and I learned that I would have to be Responsible when I grow up. 

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw tears come From your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things Hurt, but it’s all right to cry. 

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw that you Cared, and I wanted to be everything that I could be. When you thought I wasn’t looking I learned most of life’s lessons that I need to know to be a good and Productive person when I grow up. 


“The ability to adapt is everything!” –– Denis Waitley

“You can’t think your way into acting positively, but you can act your way into thinking positively.” — Nido Qubein

“Imitate until you emulate; match and surpass those who launched you. It’s the highest form of thankfulness.” — Mark Victor Hansen


“Children have more need of models than of critics.” — Carolyn Coats 

 “don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.” robert fulghum 


Culinary Team Pilipinas 2009 – Final Practice

By | Events and Launches, Foodie | 2 Comments

Thanks Jay for inviting me to witness a great culinary experience!  I truly enjoyed and appreciated it.  

Heart2Heart is so proud to feature the Culinary Team Pilipinas ( Les Toque Blanches Culinary Team Pilipinas 2009 – April 13, 2009) who will represent our country this May 9 in Hong Kong at the Gourmet Team Challenge Competition.   This is another proof that Filipinos are very creative and very talented.  And thanks to the vision and hard work of Les Toque Blanches, they managed to get sponsors to support them to be able to compete internationally.  

GOOD LUCK to the Philippine team!!!  We are so proud of you!!12af831e93_ltbheader.jpg

Two years ago when they first joined, the team won as Champions.  In between 2007 and now, they have joined 15 competitions and won 14 out of the 15. They will be a team of 14 going to Hong Kong bringing with them 500 plus kilos of equipment for the set up.  They will be using the Hong Kong Disneyland kitchen as their commissary to prepare and will be buying all their ingredients fresh from Hong Kong. ltbculinary-team-filipinaswebsite.jpg

I asked Jay if I could come early to take them in action.  Apparently, they have been preparing for 24 hours already and they were just doing the last minute touches and set up.  This is already their 5th and final practice


Before opening the doors, the whole team gathers and scrutinizes their work…It is a serious matter! les-toque-blanch-8.jpg

Jay always stresses to me that it is a TEAM EFFORT and everyone contributes in coming up with their finished product 


Mike Aguas helps in the theme and setting up by using renewable and recyclable materials les-toque-blanch-9.jpgles-toque-blanch-10.jpgles-toque-blanch-11.jpgles-toque-blanch-12.jpgles-toque-blanch-13.jpgles-toque-blanch-14.jpgles-toque-blanch-15.jpgles-toque-blanch-16.jpgles-toque-blanch-17.jpgdsc_4440.JPGles-toque-blanch-18.jpgles-toque-blanch-19.jpgles-toque-blanch-20.jpgles-toque-blanch-21.jpgles-toque-blanch-22.jpgles-toque-blanch-23.jpgles-toque-blanch-24.jpgles-toque-blanch-25.jpgles-toque-blanch-26.jpgles-toque-blanch-27.jpgles-toque-blanch-28.jpgles-toque-blanch-29.jpgles-toque-blanch-30.jpgles-toque-blanch-31.jpgles-toque-blanch-32.jpgles-toque-blanch-33.jpgles-toque-blanch-34.jpgles-toque-blanch-35.jpgltbsponsors.JPG 


Trove and TGLL

By | Fashion | No Comments

From  regular readers of Heart2Heart who asked for help to promote their new business venture

Andrea and Elaine of Trove



 Trove.  Trove is a collection of fashionable bags that are all locally made. We’ve only started this business a few months ago in hopes of answering every girl’s prayer of being able to carry a stylish, quality handbag at a bargain.  And because, like them, we value exclusivity, we only produce 5 to 10 for every color of every style we make.troveflyer.jpg


 Mobile: (63922) 8222586 / (63917) 9301920




 From Twink of TGLL who started her business 2 years ago after training in the States for 6 years





By | Finds, What's New at Rustan's | 7 Comments

Essenses is one of my favorite departments in Rustan’s.  I go CRAZY!! So, sometimes I avoid it so I do not get tempted 🙂

A new COLONIA!  I bought of course!! Only P 495.00 for 750 ml and it smells good  


I was amused by this product 🙂 


Heart bag hanger 


Love this shelf!  Looks YUMMY! 


This is where I go wild!  My Tita Nedy gave us an Essenses bag which I thought was perfect for travelling…then when I went to this section- WOW!!! I was surprised to see that it comes in all shapes and sizes. I want to buy all!!!!! to complete my travelling set! 


Other organizers 


And…Macchiavelli (Macchiavelli Chocolatier February 24, 2009 ) is finally opened!!!!  It is right in front of Essenses


On my way to the ladies floor, I saw these other trinkets!! 


A CHEESE door stopper 🙂 


Heart2Heart’s type of gadget 🙂 


And definitely a must have in your bag!  Don’t you always have a hard time looking for your key or cellphone inside your bag?  This will solve your problem! 

