Urban Mom’s Bazaar

By | Mother's Day, What's New at Power Plant Mall | No Comments


Mother’s Day is just around the corner and what better way to celebrate this special occasion than to go on an ultimate shopping spree with one of the most important persons in our lives – our Moms! On MAY 1-3, Power Plant Mall will celebrate this occasion with the URBAN MOM’S BAZAAR at the Rockwell Tent. 

The Urban Mom’s Bazaar will once again feature over 90 participating shops with a unique finds– women’s fashion, accessories, beauty, home items and knick-knacks.

Rush to the Rockwell Tent to treat your Mom and yourself to a one-of a-kind shopping event! For more info, please call 8981702.


Penny Scallan

By | For kids | One Comment

Penny Scallan, the popular, hip Australian line of fashionable toddler bags, is now in the Philippines!

Fall in love with the range of cute and adorable totes, wheelies (perfect for traveling and school!), knapsacks (in all sizes!), lunch kits—even raincoats, smocks, and aprons—that are just perfect for your stylish little prince and princess.

For orders:

You may text us at the following numbers: 0917-8530983, 0922-8124933, 0917-5292576

Or shoot us an e-mail at pennyscallan.phil@gmail.com



2009 South East Asia Youth Baseball-Softball Tournament (Seaybst)

By | For kids, Sports | 2 Comments

Thanks to Mykie and Keiko for inviting me over to watch the baseball game of Tony!! I drove all the way to Ateneo to see the game and it was worth it.   I always wished my two boys would take baseball but they never seemed to be interested.  So, when I see the little boys playing out there, I am so amused!  


This is a yearly international tournament that is participated by teams from the cities of Perth, Australia; Bangkok, Thailand; Jakarta, Indonesia; Singapore; Hong Kong and Manila, Philippines.  The tournament is composed of five age group divisions and there are a total participation of 500 athletes.  Members of the Manila team are composed of players from ILLAM.  The tournament was hosted by Manila and was held last March 22 to 28 at the playing fields of the Ateneo De Manila University in Quezon City. seay-baseball-softball0001.jpgseay-baseball-softball0004.jpgseay-baseball-softball0006.jpg


Mykie Ozaeta is Assistant Manager and one of the organizers of the tournament at the same time is a proud father of one of the players, Tony 


 I also saw Rammy and Sia there with their son on the same team


Keiko with the whole caboodle supporting their big brother 


Tony bats very well and always gets to first or second base! Way to go Tony! 

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When I first arrived, Manila team had no points on the board and Jakarta was winning til the last inning when they made a home run with the bases loaded! WOW!! I WAS SO HAPPY!! I dropped my Malcolm’s burger 🙂  which I was eating and started to jump and jump with joy just like the other parents and players there!   


Proud parents taking photos 


The players that did a great job in the last inning and made the team win!  



Margie’s Birthday Lunch

By | Celebrations, Foodie | 6 Comments

One of the reasons I put up Heart2Heart was because I wanted to share with everyone many, many beautiful moments and things in life.  There are so many times when I get so excited,  I want to tell everyone about the wonderful event I attended or describe the delicious meal I had….and if only I could bring everyone to join and partake of these wonderful moments.. I WOULD! So, thanks to Heart2Heart for helping me vent out my excitement! 🙂 by letting me share them with not only family and friends but to many others who may appreciate them like I do 


My friend Margie 


 invited me over for lunch in her lovely home.  

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 She told me she had asked 20 of her girlfriends over to celebrate her birthday….Whew!  I am so honored and lucky to have made the cut!  🙂 Thank you Margie for inviting me and for making me a part of your special day!


 I enjoy Margie because she always makes me laugh!  She was my bootcamp classmate for two years and now we just bump into each other in Rustan’s, food markets, or in the gym.  


My best best meals are those that are homemade specially by family and friends. I would choose home cooked meals over restaurant food any day! I truly truly appreciate the gesture of them being proud of their talent and sharing it.  Not only the cooking part but the preparation of everything in having a meal in your own home… 


Margie not only makes the PAELLA OF THE CENTURY but she cooks many other good dishes as well.  For her birthday celebration, she made Thai food and wow! I loved it!!  She made everything from scratch (except dessert).  Everyone of course was also raving…though many of the ladies already tried Margie’s cooking, they continue to rave and rave about her cooking…


Papaya Salad 


Spicy Prawn Soup in Coconut Milk 


Pineapple Noodle Salad 


Shrimps in Wonton Baskets 

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Five-spice Spareribs 


Thai Spring Rolls 


Massaman Beef Curry 


and for dessert, Tako 


Happy Birthday to  a super funny, super crazy and super nice friend! 


Previous Entries:  Bootcamp Christmas Party December 12, 2007 

Margarita’s Paella of the Century May 31, 2008 


Steak Dinner by Gerry and Tina

By | Foodie | One Comment

Thanks Gerry and Tina for inviting us over for a delicious steak dinner.  Since Tina prepared, we had much more than steak – we had so many other things.  

Feel free to invite us anytime and we will be there 🙂


Tina’s yummy homemade Ceasar Salad 


Tina made blue cheese butter before, this time she made roquefort butter. YUMMY!!! 


Fish dish for those who did not like to eat steak 


Frozen buko pandan – YUMMY! 



I am very, very, very rich!!!!!!!

By | Today's Quote | 14 Comments

Before the day ends, I would like to boast to everyone that I am very, very, very rich!  I cannot even measure how rich I am!!!!

Some viewers of Heart2Heart are expecting me to feature my special day and what I did….however,  today I did not take any photos …… yet even if I have nothing to feature, it has been a very, very, very happy birthday for me.

So far, I am high with all the greetings and love from family and friends via text, phone calls, emails, and greetings from facebook.  I am grateful to have had visited my Lola, eat my favorite frozen yogurt, have lunch ( leftover food from dinner ) with my husband, the love of my life,  have a one hour massage which was given to me as a gift by my good friend Brenda and will peacefully spend the weekend in Subic with my family. 

Sharing this beautiful article which I hope you will take time out to read.  After you read this, you will understand and it will confirm why I am very, very, very rich!!!

Thank you God for all the blessings in my life! 


For more on Bo Sanchez, visit his website or you can subscribe to his newsletters:

Bo Sanchez Practical Soul Food for Successful People



Paolo’s Birthday

By | Celebrations, Foodie, Homes and Interiors | One Comment

Thanks to Trina, we get to celebrate Paolo’s birthday! Ever since I met Trina, she never failed to give Paolo a birthday treat!  This time it was held in their future home to be…

Happy Birthday Paolo!! Obviously you have been blessed with a great family and friends and soon with a wife who loves you dearly.  Thank you for introducing her to us!  We love you both!


Paolo’s first love 🙂  He had it since he was college and still has it till now.  He has known his car longer than Trina….Hmmm… 🙂 


Trina told me that she made use of almost everything from her old home.. 


His and hers toilet bowl!  🙂  So funny!! 


I always admire people who make a special place in their homes for an altar


Home cooked food by the family cook of Paolo, Tito Raffy and Tita Juvy.  Wow!  guys, you are so lucky!! Thank you for sharing your food with us.   And thanks to Noel for telling me about that fish dish…wow!! I love it…


Thanks Margie for the cupcakes from Roshan, I shared it with the gang at Paolo’s party! 🙂 



Previous Entry:  By Trina April 24, 2008 
