Double Celebration – Seth 8th and Gabe 6th Birthday

By | Celebrations | 4 Comments

I don’t think I will ever get tried of going to kids birthday parties.  I actually go without my kids because they do not like to go anymore.  I enjoy birthday parties!  I take part of everything including the giveaway for the kids 🙂 Maybe someone can consider making it a whole day celebration so that I have time to try all the food in the party 🙂 

Happy Birthday to Seth and Gabe!!  What a grand party!! So much fun, so much food, so many friends and just so much of everything!  🙂 Thanks Con Con and Shebs for inviting us!

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There was this booth called DANCE HEADS!   It was so cool!!! What a great giveaway to take home!  All you do is sit and move your head and maybe make different facial expression. FUNNY!


I was able to take a video- sorry..I need to practice taking videos with a steady hand 🙂 




Dance Heads – contact:  Freddie Martelino +63.920.900.5601 



Skin Food Masks

By | Beauty, Spas | No Comments

I discovered these facial masks from Skinfood and I love them!  They are perfect for me especially when I have no time to go to Clarins Institut late at night or while travelling or just when my face breaks out. For busy people, you can even use it while in the car or on the plane just to relax and moisturize your skin. They are so easy.  You just open the pack, open the mask and put it on your face for 10 to 15 minutes.   


There are different kinds of masks for different needs…. 


They even have a leg patch!  I bought one but am waiting for a reason to use it 🙂  


 They even have for men, but as usual, they have only one choice 🙂  Men are easy when it comes to skin care products


  They have eye patches – it is not clear in this photo but there is a patch for under the eye. They have for nose and cheeks also.  It is a patch that you leave for around 20 minutes. sc0049793301.jpg    

Skinfood is available at Rustan’s Essenses, Makati 


Previous entries:  Skinfood August 29, 2007

Give Delicious and Healthy Treats from Skinfood December 17, 2007 

Salt Hair Mineral Wash from Skinfood August 18, 2008 


Dulce Gatas

By | Yummy! | 3 Comments

Another pasalubong from Dad and Mom, Dulce Gatas!!!! Wow!! Yummy but very fattening!!  I told them, next time, I don’t want pasalubongs from Bacolod, I want to go with them so I can buy them myself 🙂dsc_6871.JPG dsc_6874.JPG 



By | Yummy! | 3 Comments

Dad and Mom came back from Bacolod and brought this pasalubong back for us. Pitaw or quail.  Mom said to fry it with garlic until crispy… 


This is how it came out….. reminds me of ropa vieja… IT IS SO YUMMY!!!!!!!  Me and my sister were complaining why we only got 1 bottle each…not enough 🙂 


I visited their website and found that they sell other things.  Mom said that they also have a restaurant in Bacolod called SWeet dreams where they sell also all their goodies.  I WANT TO GO TO BACOLOD! 

Taken from Website:  Casa Carmela Kitchen  casacarmelahomepage1.jpgcasacarmelaproducts1.jpgcasacarmelaproducts2.jpgcasacarmelacontactus.jpg

