by Anna

By | Arts and Culture, Homes and Interiors | No Comments

I am so glad I brought my camera that evening even if Sonny declined my request to feature his place….As soon as I entered the house, I had to get my camera and insisted because it would be such a pity not to have shared a beautiful place.  Thank you to Sonny and Tootsy for inviting us to your beautiful home and allowing me to share it at Heart2Heart!  Every HOME has a HOME in Heart2Heart!   

I was very happy to find out that their home was done by their sister and my friend, Anna.  It may not be a new house, but it was still beautiful and had so much character.  I hope to feature more of Anna’s work in the future.

And what an interesting collection of art pieces!

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Leap Preschool Summer Activities

By | For kids, Summer | 3 Comments

From my former classmate in gradeschool at St. Paul’s Pasig, Marilou Zalamea-Acero. She started Leap 12 years ago with a friend.  Wow!  This is the second St. Paul’s gradeschool friend who started their own pre schools.  Tricia Eusebio Hosaka ( Little Apprentice – December 28, 2008  and   Young Learners Collaborative Summer Program 2008 ) and now Marilou.  I am so proud of them!  

That Yaya program seems so interesting! 


Close up version for people like me who cannot read anymore the small letters 🙂 



Family Get Together

By | Celebrations, Foodie | 9 Comments

Another one of our family get togethers.  As we always do it, we do potluck so everyone brought something to share with the family 


Artichoke, parmesan and bacon dip  YUMMY!! 


Salad from Tammy and Dina 


John and Keena – Paella

Hey I recognize this guy! It’s Tinggoy Palanca! Personally delivering the paella from his newly opened restaurant, Basty’s 


Tina made this YUMMY blue cheese butter to go with the steak!  And we even had Peter Luger steak sauce!


YUMMY baked potatoes by Tina 


Fish from Mike made with LOVE by Gloria 🙂 


Dessert from James and Rica – Concorde cake by Pasteleria 


Homemade ice cream by Tina and Mint Gelato from Amici




By | What's New at Rustan's | No Comments

I was walking in Glorietta and noticed that Bon Apetit is now closed.  I will miss Bon Apetit as it has been so much a part of Rustan’s and so much a part of my life. I have been going to Bon Apetit ever since it opened which is maybe more than 20 years agop1070375.JPG p1070377.JPG

But in every closure is a new beginning….. Soon to open in this area



Dr. Arnold Salud

By | Great Achievements, Health and Fitness | 2 Comments

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Arnold has a new look now…with the moustache and all 🙂 

Heart2Heart is so proud to feature Dr. Salud!  

The reason Doc Arnold could not join us for lunch was because he was rushing to go to his clinic. So, he stopped by to say hi and then left to service the long line of patients waiting in line to see him. He is one of the partners in American Eye Center.  And just to prove to you how good the center is, when I entered there were chairs in the front of the clinic with patients with numbers waiting to be called.


We went straight to Arnold’s clinic and he was busy so we just took a short peek…The doctor in action 


A very hard working doctor… and a smiling one 🙂 


Taken from their website:  American Eye Center 




By | Foodie | 5 Comments

Thanks to Ginge for arranging a lunch for Rina!  Ginge always introduces us to good Filipino homemade dishes and restaurants.  

Previous Entry:  From the Kitchen of Ginge May 29, 2008

C2 July 9, 2008 

She brought us to Recipes which has been opened for a long time already but this is my first time and I LOVED IT!!! Of course aside from the food, we can never get enough of the stories and great company of Ginge!  We hardly see her but when we do, she has plenty to tell!  We enjoy so much and love her!  🙂 Thanks to my bestfriend Rina for introducing me to her



We were so happy that Doc Arnold stopped by to say hello!  Doc is really the friend of Rina since College in Ateneo.  He took care of her as she was new from the province…always like a big brother.  So, we love Arnold too!  🙂 

Previous entry:  by Nick and Lulu Pagulayan May 21, 2008 


Catfish-Mango Salad 


Crispy Tilapia 


General’s Chicken!  This is my favorite in the Chinese restaurants in New York! I was so happy they had something similar in Chateau 1771 ( Sept. 2, 2008 ) called Lemon Chicken and now here they have it in Recipes!!


Gising Gising!! I love this too! I do not normally eat string beans but this dish was really good!  


I love everything we had!! 🙂  





By | Yummy! | No Comments

I have been wanting to try this interesting bread which I see at the Salcedo Market..finally I did. YUMMY!


 From Ana

Lavosh is an Armenian flatbread… Baked, not fried… I add herbs and seasonings. Flavors vary depending on what’s available, as we use home grown herbs as much as possible. Chili, ginger with black sesame, rosemary, dill, oregano, sesame, basil.

You can eat it alone or with a dip. Good alternative to chips!

Or as a wrap:

Sprinkle a cracker on both sides with water and wrap in a clean, damp kitchen towel. After about 20 minutes or more, bend one corner, if it cracks, it’s not ready. If it’s pliable, you can spread with stuff and roll.

Like cream cheese and smoked salmon. Or avocado and shrimp and alfalfa.

Whatever you want.

P115.00 per bag of 8 pieces [all one flavor only]

Keeps well in an airtight container in the refrigerator. If for some reason it gets soft, just stick it in the oven and it’ll crisp up again.


Ana de Borja Araneta

Agustini’s 0919.230.0216 


Previous Entry:  Agustini’s Homemade Temptations Feb. 8, 2008 



Mireille’s First Birthday

By | Celebrations, For kids | 3 Comments

Your FIRST baby and their FIRST birthday is always a special occasion.  And I can tell how Mireille is such a bundle of joy not only for Jose and Tin, but for all the other family members…from great grandmother to Lolo and Lola, to Tita and Tito.  She is one lucky girl!  Happy FIRST Birthday Mireille!!

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