Limited Edition Pianegonda Collection

By | What's New at Rustan's | One Comment

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Franco Pianegonda’s creativeness has no limits: inspired by the haute couture of the 50s, the Italian artist thought and realized a collection that represents the highest Pianegonda’s luxury.

It’s the exclusive Luce collection, characterized by the evergreen allure of the natural stones that give life to a new sophisticated and feminine line of jewels, combining contemporary creativity and geometric avant-garde trend.

Extended volumes, round spaces, abundance of materials and width of the shapes, make all the surfaces of the jewel shine of pure light.  A warm brightness captures with magical emotions the glance of those who admire the jewels and expresses the whole fascinating personality, the beauty and the energy of the woman who wears them.

The natural colours of stones interlace, mix and alternate like a colourful outbreak of light: a stone rainbow that, combined with silver, represents the maximum expression of Pianegonda’s splendour.

Amethysts, topazes and natural quartzes harmoniously underline the brightness of these design works.



Inspired to the Oriental effect, the Italian artist presents the exclusive collections in silver and pearls.

Unique, elegant and sparkling design: Franco Pianegonda gives life to the most classic of the gems, interpreting it according to the brand’s characteristic style.  The new creative path is created and the pearls are the symbol of the new artistic and interior way of the designer.

“Pearls embody the mystery and the beauty of feminine world”, says Franco Pianegonda, ” they

are moon’s symbol linked to water and they represent the feminine creator: pearl is woman and

life. It is unique and precious, known to embody perfection, mystery and pureness”.

Here they are “Life” and “Pure Life”: the purity of rhodium-plated silver joined to the precious yellow 18 carats gold and to the water fresh pearls creates elegant games of light.

The new lines with pearls propose gourmette and rolò chains, branded and gold circles and thin silver sticks where the pure white pearls are set in perfect harmony of shapes.

Creations with important dimensions and volumes, combinations of silver, gold and pearls make these jewels an authentic expression of feminine beauty, creating splendid effects of intense light.



Innovation news for 2008: the exclusive Gold Passion collection, in rose gold and rhodium-plated silver.

A line that bewitches and charms, astonishes and fascinates: Franco Pianegonda reveals the secret of his collections, creating jewels that enclose the mystery of happiness.

The jewels of the Gold Passion collection embody the union between the precious 18-carat gold with the copper pink nuance and the pureness of the shining silver 925%, which encloses the spirit of the jewel in a warm embrace.

The main characteristics of the line are the carved shapes, which are the workings of an artisan craftsman.  The necklaces are characterized by the exclusive double role chain and by rose gold locket charms. These lockets are carved with the eternal declaration of love, like the word “Love”, which portrays a guarantee of perfect quality and preciousness of materials; like the word “Pianegonda”, which encompasses the beauty of a bouquet of bloomed roses or the perfect geometry of Pianegonda hearts.

The large rings, the bracelets and earrings play on the asymmetric geometries of all these themes proposing wide dimensions and voluminous shapes.  Every jewel is surrounded by a frame of twisted silver, that gives solidity and thickness and which encloses the spirit and brilliance of the creation, thanks to the chromatic contrast pianegonda_veritas0017.jpg



Franco Pianegonda launches the Mystery collection, whose jewels are characterized by locket charms with the most varied shapes and dimensions. Each one of these jewels is created thanks to the brightness of rhodium-plated silver titled 925%.

The necklaces distinguish themselves by the exclusive twin silver chain that is an innovation in Franco Pianegonda’s creations. In each precious charm lockets where low relief themes are sculptured.

The four designs proposed are: circles harmoniously linked with each other; the Pianegonda logo sculpted as a spectrum of each other; roses and hearts coined into the two faces of the circled lockets.

The rings are created with a rigid twined mesh while the necklaces, the bracelets and the earrings are characterized by rolo and gourmette chains.

The collection exalts the sophisticated woman, who loves elegant luxury, one who can never resists something chic and who is able to interpret the jewels with charismatic skill and self-confident charm.pianegonda_veritas0023.jpg


It is the collection dedicated to a woman who owns a strong, dynamic and independent identity, who is the protagonist of her own life and reflects her feminine side in the Pianegonda heart.

The necklaces are characterized both by a thin mesh and by a double gourmette chain and many small hearts are graved on the heart charm.

The bracelets are created with a double chain gourmette and many small hearts characterize the plate.

In this line is introduced one of the best news: the bangle bracelet, an accessory of pure design that expresses the emotion of perfect Pianegonda style. The earrings are heart -shaped and the huge-dimension rings complete the line in perfect style totally chic.pianegonda_veritas0029.jpgLOVE

Love collection: it is a light that makes the soul shine.

The new “Love” collection is born from the creative mind of Franco Pianegonda: the new collection unveils the secrets of his creations by perfectly depicting the true meaning of happiness.

The perfect symbol for a day that all true lovers await is Valentine’s Day. This collection is dedicated to everyone who wants to express his or her love by offering his or her loved ones an exclusive jewel.

A thin mesh intertwined with a delicate union of three engraved hearts characterizes the necklaces. These hearts, which are linked to each other in a harmonious manner, represent the indissoluble and eternal feeling of love.

All in accordance with Franco Pianegonda’s style, the bracelets are presented in various sizes and dimensions and all characterized by several groups of engraved hearts created in rhodium-plated silver and diamond-cut finishes.

These jewels become symbolic leaders in the  Franco Pianegonda’s silver collections, thanks to the delicacy they express, that the designer dedicates to a woman. The jewels are created for a woman, aware of her sensuality, which is able to give and receive emotion through a splendid love jewel. 


Previous Entry:  Pianegonda June 30, 2007


The Sum of Its Parts

By | Arts and Culture | No Comments

Tracing the evolution from pigment to venerated object

Don’t expect to see only beautiful paintings hanging in this show. 


The current Lopez Museum exhibition The Sum of Its Parts features pieces from the Lopez Memorial Museum collection which have undergone or are slated to undergo conservation procedures. These are the works by Felix ResurrecionHidalgo, Juan Luna, Pacita Abad, Nena Saguil, Juvenal Sanso and Claudio Bravo. Also included is contemporary artist Jonathan Olazo’s installation work called “Healing Achiles” taking off from the “Diaphanous Series” of his father Romulo Olazo which the latter began to develop in the late 1960s through printmaking.


At the opening, husband and wife curator Eileen and Chit Ramirez, museum director Cedie Vargas, Mrs. Olazo and Romulo and Jonathan Olazo 

The young Olazo’s installation consists of three sets of works: large-scale paintings, light boxes with pictures of the staff, and Mouse Traps. The paintings, borrowed from his father, were exhibited circa early 80s in a one-man exhibition in the Cultural Center of the Philippines

He said “I learned from my folks these paintings were stocked in my grandfather’sbodega in Pasay City, for almost a period of 20 years. Just recently, my folks had gotten very excited over a survey of Dad’s body of art work, and had begun initial salvos to recount and go over their storages, and  hence, they ‘discovered’ these paintings, cast by Dad as a landmark output that can easily highlight his almost forty year artistic career. The find was marred though by the state of the paintings: very dilapidated and almost   decaying in a degree beyond recognition, all of us were dumbfounded and shell shocked. What we have at the most are documentations of the pieces via catalogues published, and we were prompted with the challenge of what can be done to salvage these paintings, or at least arrest its pending deterioration.”


The Lopez Museum‘s conservation team fumigated and installed the pieces.The installation itself is a visual statement alluding to states of rest, a position of surrender to conservation processes. By sharing weathered art objects crafted by the hands of his fellow artist and father, Jonathan brings up questions about how art gets treated and conflated with value through the workings of institutions, collectors, viewers and cultural workers. 

The exhibit aims to make the viewer aware of how various agents in the art world – from the artist, the institutions and the audience themselves – participate in the transforming an art work from pigment to venerated object.

The Sum of its Parts exhibit will run until September 30, 2008 at the Lopez Memorial Museum, ground floor Benpres Building,Exchange RoadPasig City. Museum days and hours are Mondays to Saturdays, 8am-5pm, except holidays. For more info, call 631-2417.



Fantan Bread

By | Yummy! | No Comments


When you first try this bread, you will not believe that it was something that was heated from the freezer because it tastes like it was freshly baked.  It is called “Fantan” because it looks like a fan.  What an interesting shape of bread and it is so good.  Try it!!!  Look for it in the frozen section of Rustan’s supermarket where they store the pizza crusts, frozen french fries and other frozen breads. 



Sofia Turns 18!

By | Celebrations | 2 Comments

Thank you so much Peter and Elena for making us part of your daughter’s debut.  What a grand celebration! The night was full of entertainment and surprises for Sofia!

This is the first non-Wharton/Penn Club or Rotary event that we have attended with Peter, so it was a nice change to see the other side of Peter.  It was nice to meet your children who take very much after the two of you.  We are so happy to share this evening with you and for bringing us closer to you through this very important event in your life.  

And to the very lucky debutant, Sofia, Happy 18th Birthday! 




A Letter from Australia

By | Recipes | 4 Comments

Heart2Heart is always so happy to receive emails from many viewers and readers.  Sharing with you an email from Gia from Australia.  

Thank you to Tita Bettina Osmeña and to all those who share their recipes with Heart2Heart where many can learn new cooking ideas and simple recipes which they can easily make themselves.  


Hi there,

I am a Filipino living in Sydney for almost 5 years now.  And I just want to say you have no idea what your site has done for my social life here!

I have always been asked by my friends here to cook Filipino food and I’ve found your site to be a source of really good recipes that showcase our food but with a twist that the Westerners can appreciate.

The Iberian Chicken recipe was such a big hit that, as I type this, we’re off to a winter lodge today to celebrate Christmas in July and by special request I am making Iberian Chicken – for 27 people!!!!

Thank you, thank you so much for your site.  Please keep the recipes coming because it it such a wealth of information specially for someone like me who never cooked even a boiled egg until I went overseas.

More power and keep the recipes coming!






Previous Entry:  Iberian Chicken from Bettina’s Kitchen July 1, 2008



By | Arts and Culture, Foodie | 3 Comments

Dad and Mom hosted a dinner in honor of Carlson who was a very good host to us when we vsited Shanghai three years ago.  Carlson took us together with Suharto and Rina to many good restaurants and gave us a cultural tour of the city.  What a great tour guide.  Carlson is so soft spoken, so kind, so humble, so low profile yet he runs one of the most successful snack food companies in China!  I have this sort of liking for people who produce snack foods 🙂 We are so fortunate to have a met a new great friend!

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Mom and I were deciding what kind of food to serve for Carlson so I told Mom Filipino food since he must be tired of Chinese food.  Only to find out that Carlson is very picky about his food.  He said he will eat anything as long as if you put it in your hands, you do not have to wash your hands after.   What an interesting way to put it!  I guess that means nothing oily or fatty.  Now we know how Carlson keeps his trim and healthy figure.  After having said that, we are glad he still ate the cuchinillo! as he is a kind and proper guest.  🙂

Mom of course prepared a very good home cooked meal…Thanks Mom for preparing and hosting!

Soup Triolet – Tinola, Sinigang and Corn 


Kare Kare and Bagoong by Ado Escudero 


Buko Lychee Sherbet – Wow!  We were all so amazed at this presentation.  Round for the ladies and the tall one for the gents 





Cheese Platter 


Lemon Bars 


Fruit Platter 


Fresh Tarragon Tea from Mom’s garden 


Thanks also to Carlson for these two beautiful limited edition prints entitled Siopao Siomai.  He told me that for sure I would like his gift and of course I do, it is FOOD!:-)

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by Pepper Roxas or Isabel ” Pepper” Roxas

Her Mom is Kit Roxas, owner of Tawilis Antiques at La’O Center, near San Lorenzo gate.  Pepper’s works, and those of Sheer Joy, are inside her mom’s shop 

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Carlson does not know it yet, but I have officialy appointed him to be one of Heart2Heart’s ART teachers 🙂  He is designated to acquaint Heart2Heart with anything that has to do with Arts and Culture.  So we look forward to more art and cultural adventures with Carlson and share it here at Heart2Heart!

Previous entry:  River Songs July 11, 2008 


The Dangers of Plastic Bags

By | Green, What's New at Rustan's | 5 Comments

Thanks to Lolo Atomic and Yammy for sending this.  I thought it was important enough to pass on and put it up in Heart2Heart! the_dangers_of_plastic_bags1.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags2.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags3.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags4.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags5.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags6.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags7.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags8.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags9.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags10.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags11.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags12.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags13.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags14.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags15.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags16.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags17.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags18.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags19.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags20.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags21.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags22.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags23.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags24.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags25.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags26.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags27.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags28.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags29.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags30.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags31.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags32.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags33.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags34.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags35.jpgthe_dangers_of_plastic_bags36.jpgLast year, Rustan’s Supermarket launched TIME FOR CARING  328964492503-0-bg1.jpgwhere they launched an earth friendly reusable bag.  When shopping in the supermarket, everytime you use the bag,  they give you double points.  The promotion was supposed to last for a year but the good news is they have extended the promo.  I thought it was a great idea to have the promo for a year I guess because it is a matter of getting used to it and making it a habit.  I have gotten so used to using the earth friendly bags that I even bring my own cooler to put the frozen items.  Usually they put the frozen items still in plastic bags since the bags might smell or get wet, so what I do is I bring my own cooler to put all the wet and frozen items.  I make sure I do not bring any PLASTIC BAG back with me.  And every time I receive a plastic bag, I set it aside and use it again.  I do not throw them,  instead I reuse it.  reuseable-bag.jpg Shopwise now has the same bag…..20×12-checkout-triangular-poster.jpg Previous Entry:  Time For Caring September 14, 2007  [email_link]

Lid The Way

By | Green | No Comments

Everyday is EARTH DAY at HEART2HEART!  My friend Shellane from Monde Nissin sent this and I thought it was a good idea especially for children at an early age to be aware of environmental issues.  Every small step we take can help save the environment!  


Yes, lahat tayo may magagawa for the Environment.   After all, every single act can make a difference.


So, invite and email all your College and High school friends to join the

               Lucky Me! Supreme

     Lid the Way. Save the Earth.

      Supreme Lid Design-Making Contest


  • All designs must center on the theme: “Concern for the Environment”.  
  • No proof of purchase is necessary.  You may send in as many entries as possible.
  • WINNER gets P50,000 CASH and winning design on the Supreme bowl lid.  That’s COOL!!!
  • People’s Choice Online Winner gets P10,000 CASH. ALRYT!!!
  • luckymeprizes.jpg
  • Contest details and Lucky Me! Supreme bowl lid template may be downloaded for free at
  • luckymehomepage.jpg

Ang dali lang di ba? So, what are you waiting for?  Let’s  LID THE WAY and SAVE THE EARTH.

