Dining in Baguio

By November 13, 2008 Foodie, Travel 4 Comments

 My friend, Melissa, asked me for the Top 5 restaurants in Baguio…. That is a tough one to answer!  Only because when we are in Baguio, we always eat at home.  Mom prepares the best meals at home and we do not have to go anywhere else.  We eat outdoors all the time to take advantage of the cool weather which we cannot do in Manila.  We have Misono/Teppanyaki, Fondue, Barbeque, and Mongolian Barbeque. Mom brings up all her equipments and ingredients together with her whole household to make sure we are fully equipped.  WHAT A MOM!  We are so lucky we have her to feed us! 🙂  


Last month we went to Baguio for three days and so we were able to have fondue and misono/teppanyaki



Raclette as appetizer! YUMMY!!! 


Mom made sure I took a photo of her battery operated peppermill which she is so proud of 🙂 


Watercress salad with truffle oil – Mom always makes sure she has watercress in Baguio which you can get in abundance at the market




Mom prepares Vitalite instead of regular butter  


Of course truffle oil and truffle salt… and now Mom is introducing Grape Seed oil to us 


And freshly ground sea salt! 



Appetizer:  Cheese fondue 


We all like to eat the crunchy part after – “tutong” 🙂  YUMMY! 


Mom has her own fondue sauces which are different from mine and she claims hers is better 🙂 


For fondue, we have broth and oil – for the health conscious ones, they use broth.  For the oil, Mom uses olive oil 


Dessert:  Chocolate fondue 





  • Grace says:

    Wow, rica – everything here looks yummy 🙂 Are the truffle oil and truffle salt available in Rustans supermarket already? The last time I checked in Rockwell, they didnt carry it yet 🙁
    Also, would be very happy if you can share your recipes for the fondue and the teppanyaki 🙂

  • Arlene Maslog says:

    Wonderful post, Rica! I love the pictures and I was just thinking about Baguio early this evening. =)

  • Ebel Dela Cruz says:

    PLS. ADOPT ME!!! your mom is AMAZING!!!
    she should open her own restaurant — in Manila, pls!!!
    and it looks like you have a great house up in Baguio, with a great veranda!
    any chance you rent that out?

  • […] Baguio dining experience ( Dining in Baguio November 13, 2008 ) which we truly look forward to.  Last year when we visited Baguio, we were happy to share our […]

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