Over the weekend during the typhoon and a few days after, I was sick and could not mobilize to do anything. But I was online and watching what everyone was doing and posting and I tried to compile what I saw and put it here:
Previous entry: Help for Yolanda Typhoon Victims November 11, 2013
It is amazing how everyone wants to help and just keeps giving. Some people do not even think, they just give blindly. We are such an obedient people Though I noticed that there were some individuals who are wary about giving donations because of the fact that they may go elsewhere and not to where it was intended to go to. Aside from that, it was frustrating to note that on day 5 of the typhoon, people were still hungry and dying for food despite the news that people have sent thousands of relief packs to the disaster areas. Heart2Heart has had sleepless nights thinking about all of this. I am an ordinary citizen of the Philippines and as of this day, I am still not clear as to a centralized plan during a disaster, who is really in charge and who should we follow during a disaster and what the overall plan is in terms of helping EVERYONE who is victimized?
So instead of complaining, I tried as best as I can to come up with a quick and dirty plan as to how maybe we can organize the relief efforts. Subject to editing and fine tuning. I am sharing it here hoping someone will believe in my plan and maybe implement it. My objective here is to come up with some sort of system for coordinating and organizing the relief efforts. And maybe more people will be able to give more towards a common goal. As LBC foundation said it
I wish we also had an overall plan so everyone knows where we are going and what we need to move forward. Here is also a very good PLAN which my cousin, Marie, sent me. It is the only one I have seen and looks like the best format for me. It is good because it has numbers that can be measured. It is clear as to how many people have to be helped and the amount that is needed.
Click below on a great plan made by the United Nations ( UN ) Ocha.
RICA, firstly hope you’re feeling all better. Your postings and sharing of what’s going is informative help already.
This proposed organization plan is awesome and is something that needs to be done on a national level in the Philippines. Sadly it seems that current administration is lacking in experience. Thank God for NGOs and private citizens some help is getting to where it’s needed but not to all. It will take time to get the relief immediately needed by the victims and pray it will be sooner than later.
You have certainly planned it out all on paper, perhaps you can work on it as you have planted the seeds here. The unfortunate reality if that the Philippines will continue to experience the effects and aftermaths of Mother Nature’s natural disasters.
God bless!
Hi Tita, Thank you for your support! I believe that if there is someone who will lead and guide- we can put together all the efforts of everyone – put together government and private sector. It just needs to be coordinated, organized, communicate and report
[…] Previous entry: Project Relief Operations November 16, 2013 […]